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Song suggested : A Brand New Day


Enjoy (^o^)


Jimin and Serene entered the office and everyone stood up to greet them . The office employees were shocked to see Serene Park in the office but greeted and welcomed her very politely . Serene returned everyone's greetings and bowed formally as she tried to catch up with Jimin's steps . They finally reached Jimin's office . She sighed , her leg might have hurt due to stumbling in the way . The couple was greeted by Mrs. Lee, Jimin's secretary . Jimin introduced Mrs.Lee to Serene and informed her to call Namjoon and Yoongi in his office . Mrs. Lee bowed and followed the order as the couple went inside .

Jimin's office was huge with artistic paintings and small plants . It was comfy yet encouraging workspace. It had motivational quotes framed on the walls . Jimin sat on the chair behind his desk which was in the center of the room . Serene made herself comfortable on the couch in corner of the room . Soon two young men entered the room . Serene stood up and shook their hand as Jimin introduced them as Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi , the leader of IT department .

"Your problem is solved , I brought a new experienced recruit for your job", Jimin started . Namjoon and Yoongi glanced at Serene and Jimin with confusion ."Serene has mastered in software from Germany and has almost 4 years of experience in this field", Jimin cleared their confusion . Joon's face lit up as he smiled brightly showing his cute dimples "That's great " . He again shook Serene's hand "Welcome to the tea--",Jimin cut Namjoon, "Before that , I would like to discuss something". He directed everyone towards his desk . They all seated themselves around the desk as Jimin sat on the main chair ,"Mr. Min ,show her the project", Yoongi took out the file and gave it to Serene to study .It included all the project detail , the product ,the deadline . Serene read the file carefully .

"The deadline is in two weeks and even the half project is not over ,we need you to start right up , no special 'new recruit' treatment will be given Can you do it ? ", Yoongi asked seriously as Jimin studied Serene's reaction , She took a last look to the file and nodded her head , "I can ,The team need to overwork, but if properly managed we can make it ", Serene glanced towards all three of them . "If you completed this project , your job in Park Cos will be confirmed, Till then you are on contract based employee here", Jimin explained everything to Serene in a professional manner . Namjoon and Yoongi gave each other weird look as the duo in front was being like an employee and boss than a husband and wife .Namjoon slightly bent towards Yoongi and whispered, "Never saw a couple behave so professionally with each other, I guess both are crazy workaholic" "I still doubt their marriage", Yoongi whispered back . Namjoon looked towards Yoongi with wide eyes as Yoongi just blinked his eyes and shrugged his shoulder .

The couple unaware about the gossiping kept discussing about the contract . Soon Mrs. Lee brought the actual copy of the contract . Serene singed the papers . All of them got as they were about to leave and start the work . Before leaving Jimin called out Serene and wished her luck to which Serene returned a smile . The trio left the office as Jimin sat back and continued his work , he called out for Mrs. Lee,

"You need anything sir ", Mrs. Lee asked , "Keep me updating about Serene's work", he said . Mrs. Lee bowed and left the room

Namjoon and Yoongi showed Serene around the office . The IT department was on 5th floor below Jimin's office . It was divided into two parts . The IT department and half had some conference rooms and meeting halls . They entered the IT department, "The whole department is divided into three teams A, B , C . Serene will be managing team C , as for A and B we have Yoongi and Susan respectively , The team managers will report to me directly ", Namjoon explained to Serene ,"This is distribution of the work and team had to achieve this target", Namjoon handed Serene project file . "Your cabin is to the left" . "Cabin ?", Serene said for first time in a while . "Yes , you are getting your own cabin , From here Yoongi will take you . I have to take my leave for client meet ", Namjoon smiled . "Sure", Serene bowed and Namjoon took his leave.

Yoongi and Serene went towards Serene's cabin . Serene was more than excited as she was having her own cabin for the first time . "You managed a team before ?", Yoongi asked reading Serene's face filled with excitement . "Yeah , I did', Serene answered . "You didn't had a cabin of your own ?". "Nope , Well my ex- boss was b-....not so good woman", Serene tried to be polite .

"She was a bitch", Yoongi deadpanned . Serene was shocked to hear but compelled anyway "A complete Crazy bitch ".Yoongi hummed in reply . "So here is your cabin ", he opened a door to office , not so big but comfortable to have privacy and own workspace . It had a desk in the center and a two seater couch on the side with a coffee table . The left side of the desk had a window through which she can see her team working .To the right side of the desk there was complete glass , through the glass the garden down in the center of the building was visible . Looking in across a meeting room was visible . The meeting room too had visible , see through glass walls . It was not at that much of distance so Serene can easily see the face of people working there . Suddenly the blinds came down covering the whole ,"You can always keep them close ", Yoongi handed the remote to Serene . "I'll arrange your team meet in half an hour , be prepare ", He slide a card on Serene's table as she seated herself on the chair behind the desk ," Your id , and password to login into PC", he informed and left the room .

Serene quickly went through the files and decided today's goal and agenda . She logged into her computer and started writing today's goal . Soon the whole team arrived with Yoongi to supervise . "Good morning everyone , I am your team manager Serene Adre- ,I mean Park , Serene Park , I would like to know your name ..", All the employees started introducing themselves as there were a bunch of employees making a team .

"Great to know you all , we'll know more about each other while working in this project .", Serene started . "As you all are aware of current situation , I need you guys to give some time and hard work to this company . I'll provide you with everyday goal and you have to finish it within the given time period . Today's goal I have pasted it on the notice board and There's also my number under it , so you can contact me anytime , I won't waste your more time . All the best" , with that Serene dismissed her team . Yoongi was impressed how Serene was ready with a plan . He wished him luck and left the room


A/n note :

Hope you guys are enjoying the story

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