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A/n pov-

"This cheesecake is the best Mrs. Park", Serene complimented as the cheesecake melted in her mouth . "You have to teach me ,this is the only thing I want to make but I couldn't ". Serene continued as Mrs. Park and Serene took a stroll around the garden . Mr. Park and Mr. Adren were talking in the living room while Jungkook and Jimin were on the bench in the garden .

"Sure", Mrs. Park said . Mrs. Park were very fond of Serene , she wasn't sure if this was the best choice for Jimin but after today she is definitely sure Serene and Jimin are made to be together . Some secrets are hidden by both of them , some broken parts need to be mended . They are not workaholic it's just a distraction .

After a quite silence Serene spoke , "It tastes just like mumma's cheesecake ", Mrs. Park just smiled towards her . Serene continued , "I really want to learn how to make it but I couldn't and ", she sighed "she left before lesson could finish ", Mrs. Park patted Serene's hair , "I would definitely love to complete you half lesson , it's just love and trust and your beautiful cheesecake is ready", Serene looked up to Mrs. Park eyes , "You just have to believe", Mrs. Park smiled . "Anyways let me have chat with the elders there, you join the youngers", Mrs. Park and Serene chuckled and left in different direction . Soon Serene joined Jungkook and Jimin in the conversation .

"It's been around 7 years right", Jungkook asked "Yup", Serene answered . Jungkook nodded, "Yeah I remember your pink floral summer dress"

"Yeah , the dinner", Serene remembered the time Parks came had just shifted and they had dinner at Adren's . "But , I don't remember Jimin at the diner", Serene tried to remember Jimin cause she can clearly remember young Jungkook in white shirt and pants .

"Because he was not there", Jungkook said "you know he was elder in 19's ,doesn't attend any family gathering and stuff ", Jungkook continued . Jimin smacked Jungkook's head "I had football matches, I couldn't ", Jimin defended himself . Serene and Jungkook chuckled before Serene speaking

"That make sense , I thought Mr. and Mrs. Park had only one child , you ", she pointed towards Jungkook, "Until I came back here two years ago , I mean we never had any conversation or anything before", she looked towards Jimin.

Jimin stared at Serene for few seconds before he nodded "Yeah , we didn't ", he got up from his chair , "I have to talk to Mr.Adren , you both enjoy ", with that Jimin left Jungkook and Serene to converse

"So where you exactly went seven years ago", Jungkook continued the conversation . Serene gulped before answering , "Germany", it has been easier for her to lie for now . "What about you , what you do", she asked as she clearly remember Jungkook doesn't work in Park COs . "I am a painter", he answered , "Oh , that's awesome , the painting in Jimin's house is all by you ?", Serene asked . "Not all but yeah a few of them are mine " he answered . " They are awesome , I loved it ", Serene complimented. "Thanks", Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck .

After a good conversation with Jungkook Serene and Jimin decided to take their leave . They both sat in their car and took a ride off home . Serene was unusually quite according to Jimin. He stole some glances at her ,clearly she was thinking something .
After a few minutes she spoke up , " What were you talking about to Papa for so long". Serene must have definitely notice the close bond between her father and Jimin, She knew very well , that they have been neighbors but she didn't thought ,her father and her husband were so close .

Throughout the dinner she felt a lot of times to go and talk to her father but she couldn't just make up to it .

"Just some usual stuff we always talk about and also about you ", finally Jimin answered . "What about me ?", Serene frown at bit . "He is your father , obviously , he wants to know how have you been , you ain't going to talk to him someday has to assure him that you are fine ",

"I am not a kid that he needs to look out ,and if he cares he wouldn't have marry off me like that", anger boils in Serene's mind again but with a scent of sadness. "Look Serene, that's how parents are , I spent my whole life but still couldn't understand both of them , like tonight they were defending you over their own son ", Jimin argued a bit trying to understand the reason behind Serene's childish behavior .

"And it's not like he has marry you to some monster , I am treating you way better". Serene finally sighed and answered , " It's not about only this marriage , I think our bond have been missing for years now .. I guess ever since mumma left there was no bond between us ",she finally answered . Today's observation brought a lot of stuff in lime light about how Mr.Adren still care about his daughter and trying his best to bring back all the bonds and connection once he had with her daughter .

" He is trying his best Ren, and I think you should too". Serene took a long pause , thinking about all back 7 years . The bond was definitely missing but never missed a contact , at least once in a while Mr. Adren used to ask about her whereabouts and even Serene used to take care about his medicines and also that he doesn't get too much stressed because of business . Nowadays , his secretary informs Serene about medicines and business so she don't have to worry but still the missing part was missing .

"There are few question , I owe to him and I am not ready to answer them ",to avoid any more question Serene shoved the headphones in her ears and started the music though her mind was completely shattered .

Time skip ~

The morning breakfast was very awkward because the couple hadn't spoken a word with each other since their last argument in the car . Serene tried to avoid any eye contact with Jimin, her mind and heart was battling about thinking that she should or shouldn't have said about the questions. Whereas Jimin on the other hand was staring at her and he was thinking what questions do Serene have yet to answer .

After a breakfast which felt like ages due to awkwardness , they both finally left for office . They usually go together as Serene's car is still missing . Jimin does his best job by dropping Serene at office and picking her up from office . Though their timing doesn't match ,because as an employee Serene has to reach office before Jimin arrives and due Jimin she had to wait for extra time after work , Still they both try to keep up .

The air inside the car was getting awkward too and somehow suffocating . To escape the situation ,Serene pulled her headphones out but Jimin cleared his throat grabbing Serene's attention . "By the way are the question some riddles cause I know you are too dumb to solve it and you are gonna take your whole life , which means you are never going to talk to him he finished as Serene stared into his eyes for two seconds before chuckling a bit

" Jimin that was worst ", she said .

"It made you smile , it has done its job "

"Well maybe my sense have humor dropped these days ", Serene said

Jimin answered with the nod, "Surely it has ", Serene smacked Jimins hand and the couple laughed . They conversed a bit a made throughout this not so awkward car ride .


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