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Serene's pov ~~

I came out of the car to check the issue , I opened the hood of the car which was filled with black smoke

Damn , so much for going home , I kicked the car tire to release my frustration but it ended up hurting myself . I took my bag from back seat and dialed Rach's number . She never picks up my phone . The house is 15 minutes drive from here which mean have walk for at least half an hour . Nothing can ever go right with me .

I sighed before dialing the car service number. I gave them the car location so they can pick up my car . Now let's start walking , I took a few steps ahead when I saw a Mercedes pulled in front of me .Look who is here .

Jimin walked out of his car and stood in front of me . He had his glasses on and hands in his pocket he looked towards me and then the car which was probably smoking. "So , finally the hard earned car broke down", he smirked . He went towards his car and opened the passenger seat "hop in". I might consider going with him but not after that comment . I have an ego and it'll hurt more than my legs will.

"I am fine Mr. Park I can manage on my own", I crossed my hands with useless confidence filled inside me . "Serene , I don't want to play this game s-" ," So leave , I can walk on my own ", I cut him off . He sighed and brushed his hair with is hands . He started walking towards me , removing his glasses and placing it in the pockets . He came right in front of face ,"Fine , you made me do it"

"Wha!!! wo ah!!!", he lifted me up in arm in bridal style "PARK JIMIN PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW !!!" I tried to jump down but he had hold me tightly "Yeah , yeah" He placed me on the passenger . I glared at him , but before I could speak anything he glared back into my eyes and "QUITE", he said kinda ordered . Man he is intimidating . He walked towards the driver seat and settled himself . I bowled my hand into a fist to control myself from punching on his handsome face.

God it's so embracing being carried in bridal style in the middle of the road , I shook my head with a disgusting face . Jimin as mind reader answered "I am your husband", "So you can't carry me in bridal style anytime, anywhere", I snapped . "I warned you", he said in a clam tone as if it's no big deal for him . I sighed , I am totally not in the mood to argue with him nor I have the energy .

After a while he asked in serious tone "What do you do ?". I gave him a confusing look , I guess he knows currently I am unemployed . "What is your qualification ?", he rephrased it . "Masters in software", I answered ,"From where did you graduate ?", he asked again "Berlin institute of technology" , I answered . "Germany , good Work experience ?" he questioned again and I lost my patience "Am I giving an interview here". "Just answer the question", he said in a very serious tone , he seemed pissed off , I haven't done anything yet . "2 years in Germany and one year with M I tech " ,I answered it anyway . "Good", was his only reply and the whole ride was silent

He stopped car somewhere before our building " We need to use the back gate , there is media outside waiting for your face", he got off the car "Need to walk for some minutes",he looked through the window "That was my original plan", I informed him . We started walking towards the our apartment and I can clearly hear the noise . There were my reporters waiting for us . Thankfully we both reached our house safely .

a/n pov _

"Yeah , it was good hopefully I get into it", Serene informed Rachel on the phone .Rachel was surprised after seeing Mr. and Mrs. Park trending all over the internet . She tried to call Serene since but couldnt talk due to her interviews . Finally she was relived after hearing that Serene was fine and no media has harmed her yet . "It's gonna be fine don't worry ,and just ignore the media and stuff , They won't know anything", Rach tried to encourage her friend . "yeah , let's see -", Serene heard a knock on the door , she opened the door continuing listening about Rach's day . The door opened with Park Jimin in his shorts and blue t-shirt , messy hair . "want to talk ", he said . "Rach , I'll call you later", Serene informed Rach who definitely heard Jimin's voice ."Hubby calling, sure enjoy your quality time", Rachel teased Serene before hanging up the phone .

Jimin and Serene both steeled themselves on the couch in the living room . What it is ? Serene asked

"Well, I checked through your background and work", Jimin started with made Serene frown "Professional background",Serene relaxed after hearing it . "so -", She asked Jimin to continue "I want you to join the IT field of Park COs ", Jimin stared at Serene's face to catch any expression , she was thinking deeply , "I'll see you in office at 8", he stated. Serene rose her eyebrows "I'll think about it ", se said trying to compose the new information ."Sure", Jimin hopped out of the couch and walk towards the kitchen as he was hungry , soon Serene joined him too.

On phone


PARK WANTS ME TO WORK for his company

What should I do????




Dare you think about rejecting this

Ren :

Ik its big but working with park !!

In fact under him !!!


Try to keep it professional

Whats the big deal , this is the golden chance babe

Grab it

Plus office romance is really grt

Ren :

Shut up , lemme think about

Serene kept her phone and let herself fall on the bed . Park COs. Are one of top companies in the country in every field including IT industries . If circumstances were different she would be ready to work with them in one heartbeat but .but .Serene sighed at her 'but' and tried to sleep .

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