Chapter 1

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I've never, ever had a kiss. Well, okay, if you don't count the ones from your parents when you were a toddler. That's beside the point. I've never been kissed by a boy. And I've only had two boyfriends in my entire life--both huge mistakes. I regret it terribly.

The thing is, I want to be kissed. I want it so, so bad, but I don't know when it will happen and I want it to be with the right person. I'm seventeen for crying out loud!

Maybe I should try seducing the most popular guy in school, Cody, but I don't think he'll ever like me. He's too much in love with Tina Blake. Tall, skinny, cheer captain, and gorgeous strawberry blonde hair.

When you look at me, you see a dull, short, brunette with the most boring brown eyes. I mean, seriously. Who wants to look like me?

I suppose you could call me popular. I'm friends with the cheerleaders (well, except for Tina) and football players, and have honors classes with them.

Of course guys look at me and ask for my number, but I don't ever pay them any attention. Not my type, I guess.

As I look up from the book I'm reading on my front porch, I immediately spot undoubtedly the hottest guy ever.

He is tall and buff, tattoos skittering his arms, and he wears black. His hair is short and dark, like midnight. He's got bad-boy vibes and it makes my heart race.

I knew we were getting new neighbors, but I didn't know there'd be a hot guy living over there!

Suddenly me holding a book, barefoot, on my front porch didn't seem like a good first impression. Plus, I didn't have my makeup on and my hair is in a lazy bun.

Hopping up, I rush to the door, taking a step inside, right after getting one last quick glance at my hot new neighbor.

He smiles at me and shakes his head.

This is gonna be epic.

Kissing in JulyWhere stories live. Discover now