Chapter 18

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The sirens wake me up a little past midnight. I look out my window, watching multiple police cars pull into Ashton's driveway. What the hell?

I run down the stairs, and hurry out my front door. The police get out of their cars, rushing up to his house. They knock on his door, and as I wait rather impatiently, my parents walk out of the house behind me, watching.

Ashton finally opens the door and I hear one of the policemen say, "Ashton Tyler, you're under arrest."

What the...?

"What the hell..." My dad mutters.

I gulp and bite my lip. What did Ashton do?

My dad rushes across the street and I want to follow him, but he tells me to stay. I feel my eyes burning, and I watch from my house as they drag Ashton to a car.

The last thing I remember is his eyes locking with mine in the dark before they drive off.

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