Chapter 9

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I text Tina, asking why the heck she wants me over at her house.

She replies with the details to her house and that's it. I sigh, pulling up my hair in a lazy ponytail. I better get to her house before the picnic.

I hop I into my moms car since I don't have my own vehicle yet. I drive to Tina's house--or should I say mansion--and as I drive up her circular driveway, I stop and then get out.

At the door, I ring the bell, and not two seconds later, an older woman opens the door, wearing a little maid outfit.

Seriously? Tina actually has a maid? For crying out loud she lives in Louisiana!

I walk in, smelling the fresh tropical air, and see Tina walking towards me, strawberry blonde hair pulled into a tight bun, her hot pink mini skirt and tank top way

"Hi," she says. "Follow me."

She turns at that, not waiting for my answer. I follow her up a grand staircase, up to her room which is huge with a king size bed with a canopy. Oh, and her room is pink, of course.

"So," she says, closing the door behind us, "what do you think of my house?"

"It'," I reply.

She smirks. "Yeah. Okay. Whatever." She walks over to a large full length mirror against her wall and fixes her bun even though it's already perfect. "I have a proposal to make."

"Okay? And that is?" I walk up to her.

She turns to look at me. "You introduce me to your hot neighbor and make him make out with me, or I start spreading the rumor that you and Cody slept together and that you're pregnant.

"What the hell?" I say. "Hell no. I can't let you do that to Cody. How do you even freaking know my neighbor, Tina?"

She rolls her big blue eyes. "The other night when I saw you and Summer in his yard. Damn. I must say, he's sexy."

"How do you not know he's already taken?" I ask her.

"Well, is he taken by anyone?" She replies.

"Yeah, he is," I tell her, my anger boiling over.

"By who?" She demands.

"By me," I say.

She stares at me for a moment, then busts out laughing. "You're kidding, right? By you?"

I nod. "Yeah, you've got a problem with it, Tina?" I challenge.

"Actually, yes, I do. But I meant what I said. And it better happen by tomorrow night. I'll be there at his house at midnight on the dot. If you're not there or he refuses, I can promise you that high school will be hell for you this year."

I gape open mouthed at her. I have never called anybody this in my life, but: "You're a slut, Tina! You might as well strip naked in front of the whole school!"

I storm out of her house, not waiting for the stupid maid to open the door for me.

Driving off, I wonder what the hell I've gotten myself into.

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