Chapter 12

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To be honest, all I can think about right now is tonight, when Tina comes to Ashton's house and they make out or kiss or whatever.

I trust that Ashton won't take it too far.

"Mom," I say, "when did you get your first kiss?"

She turns to look at me, eyebrows shooting up. "Why are you asking me that?"

I shrug. "Can you just please answer the question?"

She smiles a little and replies, "The day before me and your dad got married."


"Why?" She asks me, curious as always.

"I was just asking." I get up off the chair and start heading towards my room, about to call Summer. I turn around for a minute. "Oh, and Mom, can I go over to Ashton's tonight? Please?"

She laughs a little. "Sure, honey."

I climb the stairs, and call Summer, telling her every single detail. Okay, not all of small details, about him nibbling my shoulder and stuff, but enough details for her to know what's going on.

As I lay down in my bed, thinking, I pet Hazel. She helps me calm my thoughts.

I realize I haven't been swimming in a while, and wonder if Ashton will come to my pond out back.

I walk over to his house, in a summertime dress. I feel pretty for some reason. I knock, and ask.

He looks so freaking sexy right now. His hair is damp and his skin glows from water. His fresh mint scent creeps into my nose and mouth, and I smile. He must have just taken a shower.

"Hey," he says, his shirt off, tattoos showing.

I'm still breathless as I say, "Um...I was wondering if you, uh, maybe want to my pond with me to swim a little." I finally look up from his chest and he grins.

"Of course I'll go with you." He walks out of his house, locking the door behind him.

"Uh...aren't you going to change?" I ask him.

"No. Are you?"

"No." I grin.

He takes my hand and I show him to my pond. "I don't even have your number. You know that, right?"

"I don't have yours, either," he tells me. "I'll get it before I have to go back. Also, I want you to watch me tonight, when Tina comes over, but stay out of view so she can't see you."

I nod. "Good idea."

My pond is out in my field where my mom and dad can't see unless they walk over here. I'm sure they won't.

"Should I take off my dress?" I say.

"I think it would be freaking hot if you did," he teases, and I give him a playful push.

Without waiting, I strip into just my undergarments. He watches with admiration and he suddenly picks me up, making me scream from surprise.

"Ah! Please don't jump in the water while--"

He doesn't wait for me to finish my sentence, he charges for the water and we make a big splash. He never loses his grip on me and when we surface, we kiss each other, and I run my hands down his tattooed arms.

God, guys with tattoos are so much sexier, I swear.

We pull away and we splash and laugh the whole time, until it's time to get ready for tonight.


That night, I sneak out again, like I'm already so used to it. I'm already dried off and changed and have fresh clothes on.

He lets me into his house, and we nervously wait for Tina to arrive. We hug the whole time.

You can finally hear the sound of her pulling into the driveway, and I hide over behind a chair, which is up against the wall, where I'll be hidden from Tina.

She knocks, and Ashton opens the door.

"Hi!" Tina says, stepping in without permission. "I'm sure Hailey has been talking all about me." She flips her strawberry blonde curls.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," Ashton replies. "Make yourself at home."

"Okay." She sits on the couch. "When do we begin, doll?"

He grins. "Now, if you'd like."

She giggles, and I watch as he leans her back on the couch slowly, and it makes me jealous, but I remind myself that this okay and that its for the best.

He kisses her neck softly, and then he kisses her shoulder, and by then my face is burning up and I want to slap him for doing this but I can't.

He then moves to her mouth and kisses deeply, and she moans, tugging at his hair.

She tries taking his shirt off and I'm surprised that he lets her. Soon he is shirtless and he runs his hands up and down her legs, and finishes with a kiss on her chin.

He gets off of her and she pouts. "That's it? Are you freaking serious? Cody does it way better than this crap!"

"Sorry, but babe, I'm taken."

With that, she storms out of the house, slamming the door.

I run over to him, throwing my arms around him. "I love you, baby," I whisper into his ear, which I am able to do because he's lifting me up. He's too freaking tall.

"I love you," he whispers back.

And we kiss.

Kissing in JulyWhere stories live. Discover now