Chapter 21

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A couple weeks later, school starts back, and let's just say I'm not ready at all. I even consider skipping the first day.

"Hey, Hailey," Cody says, walking beside me.

"Hey, Cody," I say.

"You're really short, you know that?" He asks.

"Yes, yes I do, Cody. Thanks for pointing that out."

And here she comes. Tina.

"Hi, peasant girl," she says, locking eyes with me.

"Hey, bitch," I reply.

She frowns but then acts like I never said anything. "I heard about Ashton. I'm sorry."


"But then again, it's a good thing you ended up with him and not me." She smiles.

"You need to shut the hell up, Tina," I tell her.

"Or what?" She asks.

"Or I'll kick know what? I won't do anything. Yeah. Because you're not worth my time." I start to walk off but she places her hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Hailey," she whispers in my ear. "I'm so sorry. I understand everything you're going through I swear."

Then she raises up and grabs Cody's hand like she never said anything. "Let's go baby."

He jerks his hand away from her grasp. "No. I'm Hailey's sidekick now. See ya."

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and we walk away. At least I still have a real friend.

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