Chapter 5

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Last night was kind of a flunk, but it's okay. He's just going to look at me differently, that's all.

Summer went home really early this morning. I guess she just got scared. Typical of her.

I put on an old t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops, and walk outside into the early morning light. I spot my dad, using the water hose, watering our flowers beside the house.

Walking up next to him, he starts talking. "Maybe you should get to know that boy across the street. He seems like a good guy."

"Dad," I start, then change my mind. "Nevermind."

He smiles at me. "Go on, what were you going to say?" His brown hair shines in the light, a few strands of grey hair peaking out.

"No, Dad, it's really okay. Don't worry about it."

"Okay," he replies. And abruptly, he turns around and starts spraying me with the water coming from the water hose.

It's cold and it stings my skin, but I laugh. "Dad!" I screech. "Stop!" But I'm laughing as he keeps doing it, and all I can do is try to block it out.

He laughs, too, and after a few minutes, he stops. "Well, I'm going to go fix some breakfast. Come inside soon."

"I'll have to, because now my clothes are all wet!" I say, smiling.

He shakes his head. "Why don't you dry off in the sun for now? Say hi to the horses."

He goes back into the house after turning the water off, and I walk to the back of my house to my pasture to see my horses.

Pepperjack and Timothy are waiting for me, seeming to smile...but it's hard to tell, because they're horses.

I pet them both on the head, scratching their ears and stuff.

"I met this boy," I start, smiling shyly, "and he is amazing."

Pepperjack looks at me, like, tell me more, while Timothy walks over to a more shady spot. I roll my eyes. Boys.

"So, Pepperjack," I continue. "This guy...he's different. I don't know much about him, but he seems different. God, I almost got caught last night. That would have been horrible!"

"Pepperjack, huh?" A deep voice says behind me.

I turn and see Ashton. Oh, dang. What if he heard all of that? Of course he did! He was probably standing there the whole time.

Oh, crap. I realize I'm soaked wet and my hair is all wet and tangly. I probably look like the wicked witch after being caught in a hurricane.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I thought I'd get even, seeing how you trespassed on my property last night, I'd pay a visit to you." His one black earring hits the sun and it shines.

"Oh," I say. "Well, that's not very nice of those girls last night, coming without asking."

"No," he says quietly, "it's not."

He smiles, a real smile, and I can only smile back, as horrible as I look. But then my smile falters.

"Who was that girl with you last night?" He asks me.

"Summer? Oh. Uh, she's just a friend."

"Does she come around often?"

"I guess she comes around enough. I usually spend the whole summer with her." I shrug. "She's kind of been busy this year, though, since she made the cheer team." I sigh. "But that's okay."

He nods. "Oh. Yeah, cheerleaders are stuck up."

I glare at him. "She's not stuck up!" I tell him. "She's really nice. A little stubborn, but nice."

"Ah, that type." He chuckles. "Not my kind of girl anyway. I'm into bad girls."

"Oh?" I tease. "Is that so?"


"Well, was Blare a bad girl?" I ask, then immediately want to take it back. I've really gone too far.

His smile turns into a frown, and he looks towards the ground. "How did you know about her?" He asks quietly. "Did you see that note?"

I slowly nod. "Yes, but, I'm sorry."

He shrugs. "It's over now. I shouldn't have even had that stupid note out. Or that photo."

My curiosity gets the better of me. "Who was she?" I ask.

"My ex-girlfriend. We would still be together if she didn't kill herself."

I gasp. "Are you serious?"

He nods. "Yeah. But I can't talk about it. Not now."

"I'm sorry. It's none of my business," I tell him.

We're both silent for a moment, but then he takes a deep breath, and asks, "Do you want to come to a party with me tonight?"

"What kind of party?" I say.

"My kind of party." He grins, his teeth sparkling, and I nod before I know what I'm doing. I guess I'll have to lie to my parents later.

"Cool. Come over around ten."

And then he's gone.

I turn around to Pepperjack, beaming. "Did you hear that, girl? He asked me to a party!"

Now, what do I wear?

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