Chapter 17

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The thing about life is no matter how hard you try to push through, it doesn't get better.

It's been a whole week and I haven't talked to Ashton and the tension in my house hurts like hell.

I just need to see his green eyes...his sexy body...

A tear slips down my face, causing me to just breakdown completely. All I can think about is how much my life sucks and how much everything hurts. I finally fall in love and this is my reward?

I stay in bed all day, until someone knocks on my door.

"Go away Mom!" I yell.

"'s not your mom," a guy says on the other side.

My heart beat picks up. I jump out of bed, running to the door, and throw it open, wanting to see Ashton's face.

Disappoint must show on my face because Cody frowns. "Did I do something wrong? Should I go?"

" It's okay. Come on in."

I let him into my room and say, "what are you doing here?"

"I heard you weren't feeling well so I asked if I could try to cheer you up."

"Oh. I'm okay."

"No. I don't think you are."

He steps forward and before I can do anything, he wraps his arms around me. I'm tense at first, but then I relax, grateful he cares about me.

Sometimes the simplest things make you feel a little better.

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