Chapter 16

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We both turn around, I gasp. I stand immediately, looking into the eyes of my father.

"Dad..." I say slowly.

"Hailey." He looks at Ashton. "What the hell?"

My dad runs up to Ashton, pulling him to his feet, holding his shirt tightly. "What the hell do you think you're doing with my little girl, boy?"

"Sir, I promise, I..."

"Dad!" I say, trying to pull him off of Ashton. "Stop...please..."

My dad pushes me back, sending me to the ground with a thud. The tears are pouring out now, and I watch as Dad yells at Ashton.

"Get the hell out of here and never speak to my daughter again! You here?"

Ashton nods slowly, and then Dad lets go of his shirt, and Ashton runs, away from my dad, away from me, away from my house. Away from my life.

I manage to get to my feet and point an accusing finger towards my dad.

"Dad! Why did you do that? He wasn't doing anything wrong!"

"Hailey, I have to keep you safe. It wasn't your fault. I'm not mad at you. It's best if you just go rest..."

"No." I cross my arms.

My dad stares at me, frowning. "Excuse me?"

"I am not going to go rest. Hell, Dad, I'm in love with Ashton!" I can't believe I told him that. I can't believe I cussed in front of him, too.

"Hailey," my dad says, very angrily, yet quietly, "Go. Now."

"Where?" I ask.

"Inside the house. I'll talk to your mom about this."

"No! You can't keep me away from Ashton!" I say.

"You're pissing me off, Hailey. I'm about to go beat that son of a bitch's ass."

"I'm not letting you do this!" I scream. "Hell no!"

I've never got like this with my dad. We've always been friends.

"Hailey, go." He says so quietly, it scares me. "And you're forbidden from talking to him again. Ever."

My face burning, I stump through my yard, all the way to my house, slamming the door behind me.

Life sucks. Life hurts. I don't even have a life.

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