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I just sat there and stared at him. I figured that he would at least say 'No that's not what I was going to say' but he didn't. He just waited for a response. 

''Sure.'' I said, and got up.

"Cool. Since your opening for me, you can do covers and stuff. You can use my guitar..." He said, getting up and getting his red jacket and putting it on. 

"Okay." I said, still struck. I put on black skinny jeans and motioned for Edward to leave the room so I could change my shirt.

"Do I HAVE to!?" He tried to be funny. I just stood there and he sighed.

While I was putting on my simple black studded shirt and high converses I was thinking, Edward did say he still has feelings for me. I have feelings for him too, but I don't know anymore. If we date it will affect everything, my personal life, my family life, and most importantly my career.

I have always wanted to be a singer and now I get the chance, so I'm not going to blow it on some ginger haired guy. I just wasn't.


-At The Arena- 

So, I was casually sitting on a black barstool on stage. They have already fitted me for my ear piece (It has 13, my lucky number, on the left one and on the right one it's Ed's paw print, since he gave me this oppertunity. They were both black, with orange markings) and studded my mic. I liked studs okay? My mic was orange too.

Ed was in the audience and he waved. I didn't do anything back, except look away. I'm not mad just sad that I can't date him because of my job,

"Whenever you're ready." This manly voice said. 

"Thanks man." I joked. 

Then I started strumming and opened my delicate mouth to sing.

-Ed's POV-

I waved and she didn't even do anything back. I'm so stupid not asking her out like I was planning to do. So now I sit in the empty seats at the arena we are going to play at in 2 hours.

The guy gave her the okay to sing whenever.

"Thanks man." She joked. I let out a tiny laugh. She of all people would mock someone.

She started stumming a familiar tune and opened her mouth.

'Give me love like her, cause lately I've been waking up alone.

Paint splattered tear drops on my shirt, told you I'd let them go.

And that I'll fight my corner, maybe tonight I'll call ya. After my blood turns into alcohl.

No I just wanna hold ya.

Give a little time to me, we'll burn this out.

We'll play hide and seek, to turn this around.

All I want is the taste that your lips allow.

My my, my my, give me love.'

She kept going, just letting the song run right through her, so...beautifully.

'And it's been a while but I still feel the same.

Maybe I should let you go....'

She choked up and looked up at me, with tears in her eyes. I stood up as she did and she stopped playing.

She ran right to the backstage, out of my sight, crying.

What have I done?

Start Of Something Beautiful -Ed Sheeran Fan Fic-Where stories live. Discover now