First Show

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Ed and I have been sitting and talking for about an hour. My hair and makeup was done already and my clothes were on my body. I was wearing a orange hoodie with a giant paw print on it, black skinny jeans, and some ugg boots. Okay, I'm not a fashionista.

"Taylor, are you ready?" Stuart came back to my room. Ed was just now coming out of hair.

"Yep. What am I supposed to play?" I asked. I could do a few of Ed's songs, and some more covers too.

"Just do some covers." Stuart said, then walked away. Wonder whats up his butt...

I stood up and did some stretches before Ed came barging through the door. "Ready?" 

I shook my head yes. I had some tingly feelings in my stomach, but I wasn't nervous. Just...excited.

Ed had one hand behind his back, holding something. "What do you have??" I pointed to his hidden arm.

" need a guitar so I had some personalization to one. Here." He handed my a tan colored guitar, but with writing all over it. I had my name, Ed's, a orange paw print, and some quotes. Shocked, I looked up at Ed.

"Wow...thank you!" I said. 

"No problem, now you have a minute to get out there and sing." He smiled. Okay. I can do this. Ed came over and pecked my cheek. "Get out there tiger." He winked. I just shook my head and headed for the stage.

I got to the outskirts of the stage and noticed Ed followed me. I started to tune my new guitar and Ed was rubbing my shoulders. "You'll be fine." He said after I sucked in a breath.

"What if I mess up?" I asked, then a countdown started out behind the curtains and noise started.

"You won't. It's okay. I believe in you." He said, then turned me around towards the stage. I looked back at him. He mouthed a "Go!" And so, I went.

The stage was so big! Brighton is a huge place I guess....

I saw a microphone on stage. My mic. I put on my ear buds and walked to the microphone with the audience roaring in screams. 

"Hey." I said, my voice traveling around the arena.

"So, I'm going to sing you all a few songs, then Ed will be coming out. Sound alright?" The crowd erupted in cheers. 

"Shhhhhhhh...Shhhhhhhhh." I mimicked Ed and the crowds volume seeced. All eyes on me.

I started to play the guitar, then opened my mouth.

"Stripped to the ways, we fall into the river.

Cover your eyes so you don't know my secret

I've been trying to hide

We held our breath to see our names written

On the wreck of 86"

I started to sing Ellie Goulding's Anything Could Happen. I don't really know why..maybe it's just because here in this arena, with Ed and a whole bunch of unknown people...I thought of why I was here. Just by a shot in the dark, I was in the same place with some gingerhaired guy and just by my lucky stars, he liked me. Now, I get to travel the world with him, doing what I want to do. No one at home could of ever gave me this chance. But like Ellie says.

"Anything Could Happen."

I strummed the last note. The crowd erupted in cheers and claps. Some people were yelling my name even. Wow.

"Well..I think that''s all I have to do..." I said, the crowd started booing. I laughed.

"I'll be back, after Edward. So here he is.....The ONE, the ONLY, EDWARD SHEERANNNNNN!" I yelled, and the crowd cheered even louder for him. I hurried off to the side of the stage, and turned around. Ed's "You Need Me Man, I Don't Need You" started. He started to rap and I stood in amazement. He's wonderful. Not only can he sing beautifully but he can rap like a boss. 

That's my boyfriend on stage. A world wide phenomenon...

I just played in front of hundreds, maybe thousands of people.

People were at my beck and call, bringing me towels and water...

And I was

Normal. But not anymore.

I was going to be with Ed and everyone will know my name.

And the best part, I get to do it with the guy I love.

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