Chapter 2:Unwanted memories and feelings

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" Ain't she great" he said so proudly, it was like he wanted the whole world to know that she was his.

It didn't make her forget that he was drunk though but he was a funny and mean drunk. She has never seen him so laid back and relaxed.

She gave a big smile when he called her great in front of everyone. She secretly wished he would stay drunk if it made him relaxed enough to say how he truly feels and she wanted to see on how much he cared for her. She knew she was being silly, she knew he cared for her because if he didn't then he wouldn't waste his time with her and that was one or the reasons she was so attracted to him but she needed reassurance from him which was crazy but it was true.

The whole world could call her great but when it came from him it was different it felt like her heart wanted to jump out of her chest and she could feel her knees start to quiver . It was like she didn't believe anyone else but him and it was one of the sentences she craved most from him.

Once he asked her to get more beers and she knew she shouldn't get him anymore otherwise she has got to deal with hangover Sheldon the next morning but as she left because she couldn't say no to him ,he slapped her butt unexpectedly.

This was so out of character for him ,it was like being with a completely different person and after she got over her initial shock and gave a smile and slowly walked to the kitchen.


Amy felt sick to her stomach just having the memory planted in her mind and it came with such surprise . She was sitting next to Bernadette, they were talking about Sheldon and everyone gave their sympathetic statements once they heard what happened except for Howard who cracked a joke as always to lighten the mood.

Howard always cracked a joke about Sheldon and it was normal ,she got used to it and never said anything but for some reason this time she had the strong urge to defend him, to protect him like it was the least she could do. She kept her mouth quiet though and decided that was best right now.

All the conversation while waiting for Penny and Leonard's wedding to start, it was a good distraction except for all the little moments she wondered what would Sheldon say if he was here and how would he feel about this. I mean this was his best friend to.

She could feel the urge to cry once she realized it was unfair that Sheldon wasn't here to see his best friend get married. Leonard would be there for Sheldon's wedding no doubt about it. He wouldn't even give it a second thought.

She had to stop thinking ,it was just making her nauseous and all she wanted to do was lie down right now and be alone. Why did she think of Sheldon getting married ? Would he even have a wedding eventually even if they broke up ? Would he even propose to her anytime soon if they were still together ?

Her head was spinning with all these thoughts and she doesn't even know why she even started listening to her thoughts in the first place. She looked at Stuart and she could see he was talking , something about heart break and once she caught up with the conversation she put all distraction in that by asking a question.

That helped a lot ,just great. He cut the conversation to quick and now what would she distract herself with. Suddenly she was distracted by Bernadette's quick yelp and looked at what she was looking at.

She couldn't believe this . She didn't see him this much even when they were together. He was standing outside with his little sulky pout that he uses when he wants someone to feel sorry for him and it was working alright but her impatience for him was making her quite annoyed to.

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