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Seonghwa stood there on the balcony, feeling empty as ever, as he stared out into the vast ocean enveloping their rest house which became their permanent home. Could he even dare call it home? Sure, it's such a place everyone would dream to be in, but it's not what Seonghwa wanted.

He wanted more than just wealth. Hell, he would even give up this said wealth just to achieve it. His want. His desire.

The desire for love has been swallowing his broken heart for years now. Oh how he missed the feeling of arms being wrapped around his frame. It's been nine years since he felt love, but to him, it felt like a whole eternity.

He hated how he just sat there and did nothing about it. All he did was sulk and stare at nothing. Just mere nothing with nothing in mind and no particular goal in life.

What does he even want to do with his life? There wasn't anything fun for him to do, no new adventure, no new feeling and no new people to mingle with. He doesn't even know how to socialise now, considering being trapped in a place filled with nothingness for years and you can't even escape because, where will you go? Nowhere.

He wanted someone to talk to, atleast just that! Be he couldn't. All because he doesn't have anyone!

To be completely honest, he could just go out and enjoy his life, find people to talk to and maybe, just maybe, find the one. But no, he chose not to.

Although he would like someone else's accompany right now aside from the boring cold air of the air conditioned hallways, he chose not to leave. Why? He chose the ocean.

The ocean has been his friend since he was a child. He would always go to his hidden lagoon where he sometimes swim and most of the time, he sits at the largest rock amongst the rocks in the formation and stared at the neverending view of water.

The sounds of the waves and the smell of the sea never failed to comfort him during his roughest days. You know what? Just about, everyday.

He's always stuck at home, simply isn't because he wasn't allowed but because he didn't want to. During these days, he preferred being alone instead. That is what he has been for nine years now. Alone and lonely.

By now, he already knows every nook and crany of the large mansion. It's even as if he could go to a certain room with closed eyes and blind steps. He knows how much things are in there and where everything is precisely placed. He's even considering if he should start memorizing every furniture and equipment's proportion measurements. Yes, he is that bored.

As he stopped writing on his journal, he decided upon having a walk by the seashore. He for sure knows his jaw would hurt if he talked later so by going out to somewhere he knows he's really alone, he'd be able to talk to himself without anyone hearing.

It also has been one habit he developed over the years. He usually heads to the lagoon and starts talking to himself as if he really was engaged in a conversation with another individual. What? He's desperate.

Upon reaching the lagoon, he sat at his favourite rock and let his feet dangle over the edge, gently dipping his foot in the water.

His mind immediately drifted elsewhere as he let the wind and the waves comfort him in his gloomy state. He wondered how it felt like to live in the ocean. Not necessarily in the ocean but just somewhere far away from this island he despised. Just out there in the vast ocean, listening to the waves with all the time in his hands and traveling on a water vehicle with no absolute destination. Just to get away.

Was that even possible? He doesn't know. He knows nothing about the ocean for he could not explore it for himself.

With a sigh, Seonghwa lifted his gaze to look around into the endless chains of water in front of him with only one thing in mind, he wants adventure.

It won't hurt if he left right? No one would ever notice.

He immediately shook his head, "What was I thinking?" he mumbled to himself and sighed as he stood up, dusting himself and left. The sun was already setting, he should prepare his dinner now, surely his parents have eaten already and would be home very late and out very early anyway.

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