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Seonghwa woke up due to the loud pitter patter he has been hearing on his window. He sleepily glanced around and his eyes widened upon seeing it raining. Wasn't it too sunny yesterday?

Apparently, it had been raining overnight and seemingly still hasn't stop. He made a guess that spring is already here. The season where flowers bloom and plants grow bigger. In all honesty, he absolutely adored the rain.

Whilst stretching his lower limbs, he scratched his neck (a habit of his every morning) as a smile suddenly plastered on his face when his fingers came in contact with the necklace. The thought of the pirate immediately popped in his head as his smile grew.

Why was he even smiling like an idiot over a pirate he just met? He probably has a partner within his crew already. It's impossible that he doesn't have any female crew member. Why would he even feel something for the pirate? It's probably just a one time event.

"As long as ye 'ave it, I'll always return to you."

Hongjoong's words began repeating in his head once again as he stared at the ceiling of his gloomy bedroom, his mind once again drifting elsewhere.

He wondered what the blue haired male could be doing right now. Was he sleeping in just like Seonghwa was? Was he thinking of him just like how he bothered him for hours now? Or was he busy entertaining someone else?

Seonghwa felt something he knows to be jealousy. A frown plastered on his face, why would he even be jealous? Hongjoong isn't his and he wasn't Hongjoong's. They're nothing. There's nothing between them. It was just a one time event. An event he'd dearly missed.

He just felt the warmth of the younger for a couple of minutes, how come he would miss him so badly just within less than ten hours? He didn't like it. He didn't like the infatuation he felt towards the captain, but he loved the feeling. He loved the feeling of finally being driven over something aside from the ocean. But what hurt him was that, the person driving him crazy might not even feel the same towards him. It scared him. He didn't want to fall for the pirate he would barely even see. For pete's sake, he said so himself that he's a pirate! A pirate lives in the ocean, on a pirate ship, with his crew! It's where he belongs. He can't ditch his home just for a lonely man.

Hongjoong is a busy man, he's probably handling a lot of stuff, considering the storm. The storm.

Seonghwa's eyes immediately shot open upon realizing, Hongjoong and his crew are out there in the storm with nothing on their heads but their sails whose main task is to catch wind for the large ship to move and not to shelter the pirates.

Wouldn't they get sick? What if they catch a cold? What if they get attacked while they are sick? What's gonna happen to them?

'Why am I even worrying about them? His crew doesn't know me, I don't know them either. It' s just me who knows him, and him who knows me. I shouldn't react like this, I'm in a safe place.'

Oh how he wished the safe place he meant was something that had everything he wanted. But no, it's just a safe place that keeps him dry.

Frankly, Seonghwa would've chosen to stay in Hongjoong's ship, getting all soak as he help them instead of being safely trapped here but bored beyond belief, helping no one but help himself gain a not-so-famous reputation as a lazy man.

He decided to shake his thoughts off as he stood up and went to do his daily routine. Grabbing warm clothes he wants to wear, he went inside the bathroom and took a warm bath, taking a few more minutes than he expected since he got once again distracted by too much fun.

After dressing up, having himself warm enough to be able to move around, he went to the kitchen to brew himself some hot coffee.

Today, he'll do nothing (it's always what he does anyway) but stay in the library to read or binge-watch dramas and only leave the place when he'll grab snacks or drinks or a bathroom break. He'll make the most out of his lazy state today since he is alone again.

As he sat down, he rubbed the pendant of the special necklace a certain someone gave him with his thumb. He never took it off.

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