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Seonghwa sighed as he stared out the window. He woke up in the middle of the night, again.

Ever since he realized that Hongjoong is actually battling another group of pirates right now, his worry never left him as well has his nightmares.

He's been seeing in his dreams things such as Hongjoong getting harmed, atleast one of those seven pirates getting severely injured, or the worse he ever dreamed of so far, they lost that said battle.

Once he returns to his senses, he immediately sits up with eyes wide open, chest heaving harshly as he tried catching his breath.

The blue head really just won't leave his mind until he's really assured that he's fine.

With another sigh, he stood up and left his room, walking towards the kitchen to drink a glass of water. Things like this has been occurring for three days now and he is really worried. He just wanted to know if the pirates were okay. He misses them too much, especially their captain.


"Avast ye! Aren't ye tired o' chasin us? Ye be after us fer three months already!" Hongjoong yelled at the captain of the opposing crew who was keeping an eye on them on the forecastle deck. It's almost as if he'll even sit in the bowsprit just to not lose track of Hongjoong.

"Never! Are you expecting me to surrender to a dumb pirate captain?" the other yelled back, sounding more agitated than ever.

The laughter of Hongjoong and his crew then echoed loudly. "'Tis swashbuckler dared to call cap'n dumb. I reckon 'e doesn't even know 'ow to use the wheel." Jongho then yelled as the crew's laughter boomed again.

"What nonsense, matey. Ye'd be usin' a peg leg before ye could even touch a single hair from me head." Hongjoong insulted, referring to the enemy's captain as the crew laughed again.

They were indeed doing a great job in mocking the enemy for they have become even more angry.

Just as things have calmed down, they then heard a command that ruined their joy, throwing them nervousness instead.

"Fire in the hole!"

Hongjoong acted fast, steering the ship to another direction, "Heave ho, mateys! We need to outsail them, once we find the right angle, ye know when to fire." he commanded as Yeosang helped him with the wheel.

"Cap'n! What if they board us?" he heard Mingi asked which made him look at him.

"Ye have yer weapons with ye right?"

He then received several 'aye's from his crew as he nodded with a sigh, "We fight. We 'ave to get this over with. I still 'ave plans that can't be ruined by some landlubber."

As the night got deeper, the little battle with their canons got more intense.

They soon stopped when the enemy stopped, keeping silent instead which caused Hongjoong' s crew to wonder what they were up to.

"Cap'n, what are they doin'?" the captain heard Yeosang asked from behind him as he stared at the large ship just a few meters away from them.

Hongjoong was clueless. He didn't know what has happening and what would happen. Their enemy became unpredictable and he hated that he can't do anything to peek at their plans.

His eyes then widened upon realizing, "Weapons," he mumbled. "Yer weapons! Brace yerselves! The blizzard is just 'bout t' begin." he commanded.

"I want no one harmed, got it? Fight safely but deadly." was his last advice before they heard the declaration they needed.

The enemy then began swinging towards them on ropes, landing on their deck one after another. What Hongjoong didn't understand was that their captain stayed on their own ship. He doesn't get it, why would he stay when the fight is here? Wasn't he the one challenging them?


"Yeosang! I need ye to take care o' these landlubbers. I can't help ye, their cap'n is planning to defeat us by 'aving me waste me energy while 'e's saving 'is. He wants to fight flawlessly while I would be doing it sloppily." he mumbled the last part to himself.

Yeosang nodded, "Do ye 'ave a plan already, cap'n?"

"I indeed do."

While the battle was going on, Hongjoong explained to Yeosang what his plan was.

Hongjoong thought it was selfish of him to let the others fight without him but Yeosang said his plan would work perfectly to which he agreed to nonetheless. They'll win this, his plan will work.

It has to.

let me warn you that the upcoming fight scene in indeed very lame with very less action. i'm not good at narration.

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