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Seonghwa flinched harshly as the sound of the doorbell resounded around the empty mansion he occupied by himself. Were his parents home? They never leave their apartment near their company to go home on rainy days, though. It made him think.

Upon realising he has unknown visitors, panic aroused inside him as he frantically stood up upon hearing the doorbell once again. He grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a frying pan, as he took slow and unsure steps towards the door.

He then held the doorknob tightly with one hand as he clutched onto the pan with the other. Taking a deep breath, he raised the pan, ready to swing it on whoever was at the door, before twisting the doorknob and slowly opened it.


The aforementioned giggled nervously, "S-surprise?"


Seonghwa poured everyone a cup of tea, handing one to each pirate. They were wrapped up in comfy blankets as they were wearing warm clothes, all warmly bathed and freshly cleaned.

"So, mind explaining who are they and what are you guys doing here?" the black haired male asked as he sat on the bean bag across the singular couch Hongjoong was sitting on.

The captain took a deep breath as he began explaining, fiddling nervously with his fingers. The other two pirates who were left awake looked back and forth between their captain and the unidentified man. San was wondering why they seemed to be close with each other while Jongho wondered how they met when the captain was usually with them. But then he remembered last week that Wooyoung begged him to look for seashells in the same island, he probably met him during that time.

Seonghwa then sighed, "It's fine, you guys can stay here as long as you want. My parents won't be back until the spring ends, they said so themselves. However, there's only three available guest rooms, all with beds fit for two people only. Who goes to which room?"

Hongjoong glanced at the two other pirates, then at the sleeping ones then back at the two,"San and Wooyoung obviously stays together." he said as he rolled his eyes before glancing at the man across him who just looked at him, confused.

"Oh right, this pink haired one is San, this black and red haired one is Jongho. Remember Wooyoung? He's this one, the one with brown hair with streaks. This black haired tall one is Yunho, the brown haired one is Mingi and this one is Yeosang." he introduced them, pointing at them one by one.

Seonghwa's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he nodded as his answer."Nice to meet you, San, Jongho. My name is Seonghwa. Just come to me whenever you need anything." he said with a smile which the two nodded gleefully with huge smiles. "Oh and, one more thing. If it's not too much, please drop the pirate dialect while you're here, I don't understand that at all."

San then nodded vigorously, "Oh don't you worry Seonghwa! We're great at that! It's really just captain who's having troubles dropping the dialect."

"Haha, very enlightening." Hongjoong responded with a huge hint of sarcasm as he rolled his eyes which made the four of them laugh.


"Seonghwa, seriously, thank you. I can't put my gratitude into words but I really am thankful."

"I already told you to stop thanking me. Now get in here and cuddle me." Seonghwa said, his voice coming out muffled since he buried his head on his pillow while he layed on his stomach.

Hongjoong chuckled as he sat on the bed, laying beside the older.

They have agreed that Wooyoung and San takes the first guest room. Yunho and Yeosang takes the second and Mingi and Jongho in the last one which left Hongjoong.

The blue haired man insisted he can just take the couch but Seonghwa retorted he does not let guests sleep on the couch. They bickered about it for a while until they both agreed on letting him stay in Seonghwa's room for the entirety of their stay in which Hongjoong didn't complained on. He in fact, liked the idea.

"I noticed something." Hongjoong then spoke up which made Seonghwa lift his head and look at the other beside him.


"You're wearing the necklace." the pirate said with a huge smile.

"I never took it off, idiot." Seonghwa replied as he layed his head on his pillow once again, his cheek squished with eyes closed but him smile never left.

"You make my heart flutter." Hongjoong then said, "Oh, and, just so you know. Not that I want you to date me but maybe it's similar, I'm single." he added before shifting, facing his back on the older as he closed his eyes with a sheepish smile only to earn a smack on the head from the older.

Seonghwa shifted as well, facing the younger's back as he wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him closer, his back against his chest as he spooned him.

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