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The thick blanket that Seonghwa wrapped around his body kept him warm from the cold of spring. He didn't know why, but the breeze of spring felt like the cold of winter to him. Was it just him?

He groaned while standing up, feeling extremely lazy to do anything today. It's not that he's lazy, he in fact is looking for something to do most of the time, just not today. And he's blaming the weather for that. The cold just felt so good to him, the couch or the bed pulling him to just stay there and do nothing.

Nonetheless, he stood up to cook ramen for himself. It's not like he has anyone to cook for anyway.

As he walked down the hallway, he passed by the mirror which made him stop and look at his reflection. He scanned his face, noticing how pointed his nose actually was. He was amazed to actually gaze at himself, scanning his features thoroughly. He has never done this.

He also noticed how his lips actually looked pretty, just like his mom's. He got his eyes and his lips from his mom while he got his nose and face shape from his dad, he's sure of that.

His gaze then dropped down to his neck, landing on the necklace. Right. He never took it off so it's still beautifully resting on Seonghwa's neck.

It has been a week since he had it. A week since he last saw his parents. A week since he last left the mansion. And a week since... he last saw the pirate.

There were times he would just stare at nothing with nothing in mind but the blue head. Whether he admit it or not, it was obvious in his behavior that he had been missing Hongjoong. Despite only being able to hear his voice for a day, it has been embedded in his mind permanently.

His honey voice was sweet and calming, just like a lullaby. A lullaby that the ocean waves has created. His voice, despite being smooth and honey-like sweet, it really fit his character as a pirate especially when he speaks in his pirate accent. He loved it.

Here he is again, thinking about the pirate he knows will never be his. Why was he even upset by that fact? Hongjoong was too perfect for him. The man would never like him just like how he was starting to like the other.

He shook his head, continuing his journey to the kitchen when he caught a glimpse of moving figures at the beach. He estimated it to be atleast seven men. But why were people out and walking around the beach when it's raining heavily? It weirded him out but nonetheless chose to ignore it.

He proceeded and upon reaching the kitchen, he was about to make coffee when he felt a nagging feeling that he must help them.

'Wait what the fuck was I thinking? Ignore, Seonghwa, ignore. You don't know them, they might harm you. No, just no. Ignore, ignore.' he thought to himself as he continued what he was doing.


Hongjoong groaned in annoyance as he stared out in the vast ocean with his crew closely behind him. They left Crescent (their ship) docked meters away from them. They had to leave the ambience of their lovely ship due to it being too soaked to even step on. Every room was eventually wet including their hammocks and the bed in the captain's cabin.

Currently, they were trying to look for shelter, atleast a cave to stay in until the rain calms down so they could set sail again.

"Cap'n, thar be no sign of any cave at all. What are we goin' t' do now?" Mingi asked as he tiredly crouched down.

The rain felt too heavy for them to even try to stand up. They were tired. Yeosang, their navigator, almost fainted twice while Yunho had to stop to breathe then trail behind them shortly afterwards a couple of times.

"'ow 'bout we rob that large mansion o'er there then kill the owner." Wooyoung joked as he pointed at a structure a bit further away from the seashore.

Hongjoong glanced at what the man was pointing at, indeed it was large. His eyes then widened at what his keen eyes had spotted. A man oh so familiar to him sat on a couch which happened to be near the window. Hongjoong saw clearly who it was.

"I do nay think that be a good idea. 'owever, I think we could fetch a bit o' 'elp from that place. 'opefully 'is parent ain't home." he mumbled the last part to himself.

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