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Seonghwa's father noticed how happy Seonghwa was as he read the letter. He realized that his son really must have been really sad for years now. He's glad that he found someone that makes him happy, someone he ffels comfortable with. Someone that fulfilled the emptiness in his heart.

Seonghwa heard his father clear his throat which made him look up, "Was it from him?" the question made Seonghwa squint his eyes as he tilted his head in confusion.

His father then sighed before standing up and closing the door. Sitting back down, he looked at his son with a knowing look.

"Come on, you can't lie to me. Technology has already improved! I know he's a pirate."

Seonghwa's eyes then widened,"Y-you do?! But why-how?! I didn't tell you nor mom."

His dad chuckled, "CCTV, duh? Technology! Don't worry, your mom doesn't know how to use the system." he then looked at his son expectantly, "What does the letter say?"

Seonghwa then blushed as he held the paper closer to him, "No! I don't wanna show!"

"That has to be a love letter but whatever. Just so you know, I approve your relationship!" his dad said before running away, probably off to look for his wife. His son, on the other hand, became a blushing mess.

'I shouldn't have started that 'I love you.' Now I have to deal with it more.'


Hongjoong frowned at the news brought to him by his look-out, Yunho. He slumped on his chair as he threw his head back against the back rest, closing his eyes shut before inhaling and exhaling slowly to calm himself down. They have been receiving threats lately and to say that Hongjoong was frustrated is an understatement.

"I could really use his hug right now." he mumbled to himself as he huffed before standing up, leaving his cabin.

As soon as he got out, he was welcomed by the smell of salt water from the ocean. Mist surrounded them as well which would make it quite difficult for them to sail around. They're currently docked but they need to leave already, their enemy would be right at their back any minute now.

He was supposedly going to visit Seonghwa two months ago. But then, Yeosang reported to him on that day they were supposed to sail towards the man's residence, saying that their enemy has been on their back, spying on them. If they continued, they would discover Hongjoong having a relationship outside their ship.

He couldn't risk dragging the older into his mess so he chose to wait it out until they finally eliminated them.

Right now, they are set on a plan to tire them out first by having them chase him and his crew around the oceans. By now, they're very far away from the island they grew attached to.

Even though they miss Seonghwa a lot, they chose to focus on their current mission, in fear of harming him.

"Cap'n, their cap'n and the crew be lookin' tired already. 'Tis the perfect time t' finally attack and 'ave 'em dance with Jack Ketch." Yeosang then called out to him who was assigned to handle the steering wheel.

Hongjoong ascended the stairs to the quarter deck to meet his navigator,"Let's wait it out a few more days. We'd be able t' gain strength and outbattle 'em if so. Fer now, let's just lose' em in this fog. The briny looks mighty fine anyway, no signs of sharks."

Yeosang smirked at the remark, "I think I be gettin' what ye mean, cap'n."

"Ye got it right, matey."

"Shiver me timbers! Cap'n they be ready to fire already. Look at 'em cannons." they then heard San exclaim who was hanging on one of the ropes tied to the main mast.

"Sink me, I think we should flee already. Crew! Hoist the anchor, ready the sails men, we're goin' fer a bumpy ride."

And with that, the crew followed the orders, working together to get things done in a hurry. The command from the enemy's captain resounded, loud enough that even them has heard it. With rapid heart beats and nervous hands, they moved even faster with all their might.

Once Hongjoong and Yeosang had gotten the confirmation from the crew, they worked together, both of them held onto the wheel. Together, they steered the large ship to another direction to avoid the cannon ball.

As if the winds were on their favor, they blew towards Crescent's sail, pushing them hard as they moved through the water faster than they had ever done.

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