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i ended up keeping it, it was actually well written and well illustrated. it seriously showed how i pictured the british captain to be. a boastful, weak brat.

sorry for not updating


"I wonder how their battle went, how it last that long when he sent the letter two months ago and I received it last month, then what's happening now? Five months and still counting, my love."


At the sound, the door of the captain's cabin immediately opened which caught them off guard.

Hongjoong's whip wrapped around the man's neck as he pulled him closer to his small frame. He didn't like the thought of anyone else's body close to him aside from Seonghwa's but he had to, to finally end all these shits and just hold his lover in his arms.

He was desperate.

His grip on his whip tightened as he pulled it against the other man's neck even tighter, "What do ye need from me?" he asked as poison laced his deadly and stern voice.

"I-I... want, your...sword!" the man said, pausing on each word to desperately grasp for breathe as he was being choked harder in each passing second.

"That's it? Come on, can ye get even pettier? Ye're goin' through all this trouble, risked yer men's life just to 'ave me Aurora?"

The white haired man didn't respond, instead, he just resisted and did his best to break free from the captain's grip. Hongjoong noticed in which he responded by pulling the whip even more closer to him together with the man to suffocate him more.

"Come on ye weak bilge-sucker, first one to blow the other down wins." Hongjoong challenged with a smirk.

The other had no choice at all but to weakly nod.

"I did it, I drained his energy already. All I need to do now is to cleave 'im to the brisket. Then he'll die and everything would be over now."

Hongjoong let go of the man as he happily skipped away and out of the cabin, "Clear the deck, men! We're havin' a duel!" he announced happily.

"What weapon do ye 'ave, landlubber?" he asked the man the just came out of the captain's cabin.

"I don't have any." he weakly yet stubbornly responded.

"Huh, how bold o' him to board a ship full of armed pirates, " he mumbled to himself. "Aye! Fist fight it is!" he declared.

Whilst removing his gear and weapons that were strapped to his belt and other pockets, he stretched as to prepare himself. He wanted this to be over as soon as he can.

"Get ready to be shark bait, captain." he heard the other say which made him smile. A fake one.

"How generous of you! I do hope ye're ready to visit Davy Jones' locker, too."

Without furthermore words, both have gotten into their positions with Yeosang as their referee. Hongjoong had an advantage that no one noticed, he was wearing rings. Yes, no one noticed his rings. He'll be cheating without at all getting caught.

They stared into each other's eyes darkly and with cold glares as both regained their energy. Hongjoong of course had a lot while the other only had very limited amount left, another disadvantage to the enemy but a huge advantage to Hongjoong.

Yeosang then announced that they may begin.

On the first seconds, they were just walking in circles as they stared at each other.

The white haired man was the one who broke their little routine as he threw a hook punch at Hongjoong which he easily dodged, reciprocating the man's move. He hit the other's jaw hard which sent him tumbling towards the right as the captain regained his balance.

With a smirk, he observed the man stand up and hurriedly threw an overhead punch at him which Hongjoong predicted very well and dodge. As he did so, he kicked the man harshly on the back, causing him to fall face first on the ground.

"Come on, we just started and you're all weak already?" he mocked as he walked towards the man.

He then placed his foot on the men's chest as he was already lying on his back. He added weight on his foot, squeezing the man breathless as his smirk grew.

"Who would've known ye're such an easy opponent. I 'aven't even dripped a single sweat and ye're already panting fer yer breath. 'ow pathetic. " the crew laughed at their captain's remark. "Look at yer crew lyin' lifelessly on me deck. They're useless aren't they? They're as useless as their captain. If only I knew that ye're this easy I would've just joined the clash earlier and finished it faster." his smirk has long gone turned into a devilish grin that had the man under his foot shivering in fear.

"Sink me! Isn't this the captain of the crew who's been followin' us fer months?" he mocked.

"Wooyoung, me sword please. Oh, wait, not just any sword. Aurora would absolutely love to finish this man, don't ye think?" he said, looking up to meet Wooyoung's eyes.

"Aye aye cap'n!" Wooyoung replied with a huge smile as he took Aurora from her scabbard and gently handed her to her owner.

"Oh baby, how I missed using you. Let's go finish this man, savvy?" he then said before lazily aiming it at the man's chest where his heart is.

"Any last words? Fer yer wife? Yer children? Mom, Dad, anyone? Jeez, tough crowd. If ye don't 'ave anything to say then might as well finish ye already." he then said, disappointment laced his tone.

"How do ye want it, me hearties? Fast but less painful or Slow but deliciously painful?" he asked to which the crew responded immediately.

"Alright, if ye say so." he said his final greeting to the man before slowly piercing the sword on the man's chest.

His pace made it scrutinisingly painful for the man as he screamed out in pain.

"That, is why they call me, the Pirate King."

His screams filled the dark night together with the crew's laughter of victory as they succeeded and finally escaped all trouble. They could finally enjoy themselves. They could finally visit Seonghwa again with no worries weighing on their shoulders.

Hongjoong was beyond happy. He could finally go home to his lover's welcoming arms. He could finally return to Seonghwa.

His Seonghwa.

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