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Another week has passed with the pirates staying with Seonghwa and his parents still not coming home. Not that Seonghwa minded, he's even overjoyed.

He has grown quite attached to the pirates, especially Hongjoong. With all the nights they spent cuddling each other to sleep, he didn't want the man to leave. Ever.

The rain, however, did not agree to Seonghwa's wish. The harsh drops has stopped and all that was left were soft pitter patters with calming cold wind. Enough to be able to sail again.

It was time for the crew to leave and set sail again.

Seonghwa's heart ached with the thought that the people that made him feel happy once again would be leaving, and his beloved... would be leaving him again. He wanted to stop them, have them stay with him.

But he knew better. The pirates have their hearts set on the sea, it's their home. They could never leave their home for a man they just have known for a week.

Hongjoong, however, wasn't any better. He's heartbroken, he didn't wanna leave Seonghwa. He's going to miss him because surely, it would be months until he would be able to visit him again. He knew without a doubt that he liked the man. But he couldn't bring himself together to confess. He's scared of rejection.

As the crew have already said their goodbyes to the eldest, leaving Hongjoong the last one to do so, they waited outside for him. They meant to do that, knowing that their captain have already developed feelings for the man since the day they met. They knew he needed more time with his lover.

Hongjoong scanned the living room, looking for the man but frowned when he didn't find him there. He ascended the stairs, checking the man's  room. He then rushed to enter upon hearing soft sobs from the balcony.

"Hwa? Hey, I'm here, please don't cry." he said as he approached him, immediately engulfing him in a hug which the older reciprocated tightly as he cried on the pirate's neck.

"Shh, baby, I'm here, don't worry."

"B-but you'd be l-leaving already." Seonghwa croaked out as he glanced at the man.

Hongjoong brushed his fingers through the man's black hair as he held him tightly, "I gave you the necklace for a reason. Think of it as something still mine and I'll be coming back for it. Only, it's you who I'll be coming back for."

The older's sobs died down as he pulled away from the hug and used the sleeves of his sweater to wipe his tears,"Hongjoong, w-what am I to you?" he asked once he has calmed down.

"My treasure." the pirate responded without any hesistation with a bright smile before doing such a bold move Seonghwa never expected.

The man held him by his nape as he pulled him down to his level. He then stared at the man's eyes for a minute before smiling.

Seonghwa was a blushing mess already, Hongjoong was so close to him. Too close! His heart was beating wildly in his chest as if it would leave its cage.

"My love." Hongjoong mumbled before kissing the older's forehead.

Seonghwa hid his face in his sweater paws as he blushed even more once the other had pulled away. He didn't hide his eyes so he had the chance to hold the eye contact between the two, not at all breaking it for a second.

To them, they didn't care about the time. To them, it's just them, they weren't aware of their surroundings for they were lost in a neverending trance in each other's eyes.

Neither of them ever wanted this to end. They just want to stay beside each other. Be together and not worry about the world. Just them.

Hongjoong wanted Seonghwa to join the crew, he badly wanted to ask him, knowing that the crew already loves him. But he couldn't dare do so, simply asking him to join the crew already wrecked his nerves, what more if he asked him to be his boyfriend.

He wanted to do it right then and there. He really did.

But he chose not to.

It's too early for it.

He would eventually come up with a plan soon. He did want to date the man but he's too much of a wreck right now. He was scared he might mess up.

"Hongjoong," the aforementioned snapped out of his train of thoughts as he hummed as a response. "I love you..." Seonghwa whispered but was still enough to be heard by the pirate which made him smile.

"I love you more."

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