Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Colton's P.O.V.

I nod to Cynthia as she walks past me into Casey's room. Casey. I need to keep her off my mind so I can stay in check. I head to my temporary room and change into running clothes.

Finally making it out of the castle, I head towards the forest where I found Casey. I can smell everything around me. The pine of the trees, the stream nearby, the faded vanilla scent of Casey still wafting in the air.

I take in a deep breath and focus my thoughts. Run. One step after another, I start making a good pace. I follow the stream away from the Castle, getting closer to the Castle walls. I slow down to a walk and breathe in deep.

I go to touch the inner wall when I hear a twig snap. I instantly go on alert. Listening for any other sounds, smelling the air for a scent out of place.

'Mate' my wolf whispers in my head. I smell the air again and I can faintly smell her.

'Why is she outside?' I follow her scent until it starts to get stronger. I find Casey back towards the stream, gazing into it sitting on the grass. Her long hair lightly flowing in the warm breeze. Brushing along my white shirt I gave her to wear.

I lean against a tree, watching her, not wanting to interrupt whatever thoughts she is processing. She shifts her weight in the grass and brings her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them.

She lays her head on her knees, closing her eyes looking my way. For a second it looks like she stopped breathing. Before I move to check on her, she makes a long exhale and inhale. Her back stiffens and she opens her eyes. Looking straight ahead and then to her left. Then to her right, finding my hiding spot.

She squints, still looking my way and huffs. Laying her head back on her knees.

Thinking she may not have noticed me, I go to turn, making my way to finish my run.

"What do you want Colton?" I hear her whisper. I pause mid step and turn back around to face her direction. Her head is still on her knees, but her eyes are open, looking right at me.

"I was just checking on you. I wanted to make sure you were ok before finishing my run. You are out here by yourself, so I didn't want to leave you alone without checking on you first."

Casey stays quiet while keeping her gaze on me. We stay like that for a while and she finally smiles.

"Thanks." Casey whispers turning her head back towards the water.

'Talk to her. Get closer. What are you waiting for. Go be with your mate. She's waiting for you.' My wolf says to me. 'No, she has a lot to process. I've done enough damage back at the school.'

I glance at Casey once more and head back towards the wall.

"Colton, where are you? I need you in the study." Riley's wolf reaches out to my mind.

"I'm on the way." I say reaching back out to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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