Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Casey's P.O.V.

Coach blew the whistle for every one to get into two separate lines. Girls in one, boys in the other. Colton decided to be directly in front of me while we did warm ups. We started out with jumping jacks, then we transitioned into sit ups and push ups. Coach had us stretch out our arms and legs before we started. The whole time we stretched Colton was staring me down. It got uncomfortable very quickly.

After a few more minutes coach sent us outside to jog on the track for a whole hour. And guess who lingered behind me the whole time? Yep, you guessed it right. Colton. When our hour was up coach sent us inside to shower and get dressed. Walking to the girls locker room I grabbed my clothes and grabbed a towel off a rack and headed to the showers.

I spent at least a good ten minutes in there even after the bell rang for the end of school. I took my time as I got dressed and dried my hair. When I was finally done, I grabbed my bookbag and walked out of the locker room. I made my way out of the school and walked to my car. "What took you so long?" I gasped and turned around. Colton was standing there with his arms crossed across his chest. "Oh, get lost Miles. Just leave me alone, will you?" I searched my bag for my keys and unlocked the doors.

As I opened my door I heard him growl. Seriously? Did he growl? He grabbed my wrist and spun me around so my back was against my car. "I will not leave you alone. And don't you dare turn your back on me." I tried to free my wrist from his grip but failed miserably. "So what, you're the freaking king, thinking you can tell me to do what you say? Um, no! I think not. Let me go! Now!" I yelled at him. I saw his eyes flare up and then they slowly softened. He sighed and let go of my wrist. I shook my head and opened the car door and got inside. I stared him down as I buckled up and turned on the car.

All he did was just stand there, not moving at all. I turned on my radio and blasted the music to where you could feel the bass in the car over from you. I backed out and drove away from him. Who does he think he is? My Father? The President? No. And if he did think that, he's crazy far from it. In no time I was back at my house and inside throwing my stuff in the floor. I turned on the TV and walked over to my movie stand. I grabbed a couple of movies off the shelf, and threw them on my bed. So from what I grabbed off the stand, I was going to be a hopeless romantic tonight.

There was: The Titanic, The Vow, Valentines Day, Romeo and Juliet, and Pocahontas. I grabbed the Pocahontas movie and put it in my DVD player. As the movie played the opening credits, I went down stairs to get some chocolate bars out of the freezer. I ran back up stairs as I heard the movie starting. When I got to my door, I saw Lizzie chilling on my bed. She looked over at me and saw the chocolate in my hand. "Oh, for me? You shouldn't have." I smiled at her and laid down at the foot of my bed.

"I didn't."

I looked over at her and she pouted. I giggled and threw her a bar, even though she couldn't eat it. "Aw, thanks. But chocolate will make me fat. Gotta watch those calories." I laughed at her and turned my attention to the TV. "You can't get fat Liz, your dead." After that it was silent. Every once in a while I would look over at her to make sure she was still there. After a while, I fell asleep and succumbed to darkness.

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