Chapter 21

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  Casey's P.O.V.

    Cynthia brings the tea and cookies over to the chairs and sits them down on the small circular table in front us. "Alright, if anyone sends you up to see me, because they think that I may need help getting dressed or brushing my teeth, just bring up tea and whatever else you want to bring up, and we can just chat until I'm fully ready to present myself. Okay?"

  She nods her head at me and places her hands on her lap. "No need to act so formal either. If you want to slouch in the chair, you are completely welcome to. I'm not going to stop you." I smile at her as she relaxes abit in her chair and grabs a cookie. "Okay, Prin-" I glance up at her and see her face flush with red all over.

" I mean, Casey. Okay, Casey. " I simply laugh and grab my cup of tea. "Now that THAT is out of the way, what can you tell me about the pack?" Cynthia smile and sits back further into the chair. I almost thought that it would soon engulf her.

  "Your Father, King Trevor, and your mother, Queen Claire, were both great rulers. But, both completely different in personality. Your father radiated of power, and you mother of grace. They were both very brutal in battle.

  "They were both very kind hearted, and always thought of others before themselves. Honestly, I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for your mother. During the battle between the Rogue King and our kingdom, I found out my brother was caught in between the battle field on his way back home to the kingdom. By the time I found him, he was badly wounded due to a rogue attacking him.

"However the war was still going and it took all of my might to try to drag him out of the chaos. When I almost had him out of the clear, one of the rogues showed up and lunged at us. At the time I couldn't shift then, due to still being young. Just when I thought I was out of luck, about a mile away stood the queen. She used her powers to save me and my brother. But while she was focused on saving us, she was attacked from behind. From what I could tell, she died instantly."

Cynthia became quiet.

"It's my fault she died. If I wouldn't have been there,"

"If you wouldn't have been there, you probably wouldn't have been able to save your brother." I spoke up. I gazed into her teary eyes.

"Don't blame yourself for wanting to save your blood. Quite honestly I would do the same for my father. Well, adoptive father I would suppose. The same goes for my Aunt as well."

I paused, processing everything that has happened within the past 24 hours.

"So, Riley is really my brother?" I asked moments later after Cynthia settled down.

"Yes." Cynthia spoke, looking directly into my eyes.

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