Chapter 15

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Colton's P.O.V.

We arrived to the class and few people we already there. Casey led me to a table infront of the door with just one guy at it. I didn't like him already. With his beach blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. His face seemed to light up when he noticed Casey.

"Hey Caster. How are you?" The guy asked as she sat down next to him. "Hey 'Lijah, I'm...... well, I could be better." I shifted my weight beside her and 'Lijah looked up to me. "Who's the new kid?" He said eyeing me up and down. Casey turned in her seat and swished her fingers at me.

I looked down at her finger to where she was pointing. "This is Colton Miles, but I just call him Miles." She said to Elijah. "Oh, okay. So, is he your new pup, or what?" I glanced over at Casey before glaring at 'Lijah. "I wouldn't exactly say he's MINE..... But he is a lost puppy." I turned my attention to Casey.

So she wouldn't EXACTLY say that I'm hers... But it's possible. I smirked at that. Then I realized she called me a pup. I was no pup.

"Caster?" I whispered over to her slightly confused and upset that I haven't made a nickname for her yet.

"Yeah, its sorta an inside joke."

"Oh," Was all I said as I pulled out a sheet of paper from my backpack. " Come to the front with me." Casey stated pointing a finger at my paper, then to the back of the room.

I got up and walked with her to the pull out drawers and took the sketch book she handed to me. She then took me over to the teachers desk. "Mr. Johnson, this is Colton Miles. The new kid."

Mr. Johnson looked up from the sketch he was drawing and eyed me. "Ah, yes... well, just have a seat where ever." He said waving his hand in the air. As we went back to our seats the tardy bell rang and Mr. Johnson stood up.

"Okay class. We have a new student today. His name is Colton. Now, you know what we do in here. So let's get to work."

Mr. Johnson went back to his desk and sat down looking at the class. "Well, go on! Get a move on!" Everyone in class then shuffled around the classroom.

"So, what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" I asked as Casey started to write down things. "Well,...." She started off.

"Hey Colton, come sit over here with us!" Oh great, the trouble maker is back.

I looked to Casey, then looked over to Jessica and her table. Which, was filled up with girls. I contimplated on whether or not to go over there.

I smirked as a thought popped into my head. Maybe I could make her jealous. I finally got up and went over to Jessica's table. Of course I would go over there, I have to be nice to Nick's pack members.

As I left I felt my wolf in my jostle around. It's been awhile since I've heard from him or even felt him. 'Go back.' He whispered to me. But I ignored him. Jessica made room at the table for me to sit with her.

"Hi Colton. Where were you this morning? I didn't see you at breakfast." She stated. "Oh, yeah. I was busy. I had to talk to my be.... Friend." I forgot there were humans at the table.

Jessica noticed my slip up and laughed. I glanced over at Casey and she was glaring at me. I smirked back at her. It was working. She's jealous. I saw the Elijah kid say something to her and she looked away frustrated.

She mentioned something to him and went back to drawing. "So, how long are you staying?" I faintly heard a girl ask. I turned my attention to the girl. "Oh, um.... Long enough I suppose." She smirked at me.

"How long is long enough Colton?" Jessica asked as she put her hand on my thigh. I mentally shuddered. "That's confidential." I said back to her and winked.

'Thats enough. Stop.' My wolf said.

An eruption of giggles were let out. I noticed Casey walking by to the back of the room. When she passed back by I decided to stop her. "Hey Baines, could you bring my stuff over here?" She turned and gave me a deathly glare, then fakely smiled, "Sure."

I watched as she stuffed my things in my back pack and walked back over here to toss my things in the floor next to my foot. I met her eyes and flinched back. They weren't as shade of crystal green anymore but a deep green, almost black.

'I told you.'

My wolf whispered to me. Why does he care if Casey gets mad at me? I mean it's not like she's my ma..... Holy crap..... 'Took you long enough stupid.....' My wolf said to me.

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