Chapter 19

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Casey P.O.V.

'Casey........, Casey........, Come close to the light little one.' A smaller me walked through the huge store filled with red lights and fog, and found Don sitting at a small wooden table with a couple of candles melting away.

'Sit down child and tell me what you saw.'

I watched as my smaller self sat down with the older man and chatted about her vision.

'Well, there were two boys. One on each side of me. We were in a field, one side had a castle, and the other side filled with trees, and the boys were far away from me. One was like us, a caster. But the other one, he was a dog. Smelled like one too.

'I yelled out to one of the boys and the one who was a dog turned into a black wolf. At the same time on the opposite side, the other boy sent black bolts flying towards the black wolf. It stopped before anything else happend.'

I watched astonished as the younger me freely talked about this weird stuff. I mean Castles, black wolves, and black bolts. Come on now. Sugar rush or what?

I watched as the man put both of his hands on my smaller selfs forehand and said something incomprehensible. My smaller self leaned forward and rested her head on the table. Her small arm cushioning her head.

Don got up and walked to the back of the counter. 'Casey, it's time to start remembering. Your time has come now. Your destiny will be fulfilled. I do hope you choose the right boy. Oh, do come by and visit soon. It's been lonely since you've left.' He says, looking right at me and smiling. Then it all went black.


"Is she alright? Colton, you promised to bring her back safely!" I hear an unrecognizable deep voice yell out. I can't see anything, everything is black around me.

I try to say something to quiet the voice but all I can manage is a mumbled 'Shhh.'

"Leave us! Now!" The voice yells again. I roll over on my side. Slowly, but surely, my eyes open and let light fill them. "Casey? Casey? Are you alright?" The deep voice says again. I look around to match the voice with a man who looks slightly familiar. The man takes my hand and pulls it up to his chest.

"We've been separated for way too long. I'm glad I finally have you back." He says. I look over the man. Reddish brown hair like mine, green eyes, and scruff across his chin. There's something there, I just can't put my tongue on it.

Wait, something's off. Where's Colton?

"Where is he? Where is Colton? I wanna talk to him." I manage to speak out to the man.

"I finally get you back, and you want talk to Colton? But not your own brother? That's harsh." He puts my hand back next to my side and gets up from the chair. Of course I wanna talk to Colton. I- wait, did he just say brother? WHAT?!

Before I could say another word he was gone and replaced by a very worried looking Colton.

"Where am I? Who is that guy? What am I doing in a very comfortable, luxurious looking bed?" I ask taking a long look around the room. Lots of expensive looking stuff everywhere. Great, now I have to try and not break anything.

"You are at Prince Riley's Castle. That, was Prince Riley. You are in this bed because its your bed. Any other questions that you need answered?" Colton sighs and sits in the chair the man from earlier was occupying.

"Yes, why exactly did you kidnap me and bring me here?" I stare him down as I sit up in the soft, fluffy bed.

"You are here because Prince Riley wanted you here. You will be going through major changes and he wants to be there when it happens." What changes is he talking about? And if that guy is the prince, and I'm his supposed sister...

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