Chapter 16

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Colton's P.O.V.

I watched as she walked back to the pervious table and chatted quietly with the wanna-be looking surfer kid. She may not know it, but I know what he's hiding. He can play innocent all he wants, but I know he can smell my scent. Seeing as I can smell his.

I still can't believe that I had no idea that she was my mate until just a couple seconds ago. She probably hates me now, since I was openly flirting with the girls at the table.

After the scenario I hardly paid the others any attention. I was focused on Casey. The way she moved her hair from her face to behind her ear. To the light smudges she leaves on her face and on the table.

I looked down at my paper and was blown away by what I had drawn. Absolutely nothing. I glared at the paper then at the girls surrounding me. They didn't notice though. They were laughing about something ridiculous.

I was going to make a remark on how loud they were being, but the bell had interrupted my process. When I looked up to find Casey. she was no longer in the room. Grabbing my bag I rushed out of the room and followed her closely through the crowded hallway.

I watched as they went inside the little cafe area and ordered, then made their way towards the school library which wasn't far from the cafe.

So close to following her in there I was stopped by the sound of my phone. 'I Love this Sh*t' by August Alsina went off. "Hello." I answered it immediately. "How is she?"

I quickly recognized it as Nikalous' voice. "She's.......good. Her scent is starting to come in." I walk away from the library and head towards the courtyard away from prying ears. "You hesitated. She better been in pristine condition Colton. Prince Riley won't be to happy if you broke your word."

"No, she is fine. She's just hanging out with this kid who just isn't who he says he is. Well pretends to be. He's trying to cover, but it isn't working. He know what I am." I quickly respond to him.

"Wait, you said that her scent is coming in? That's not possible. It shouldn't be coming in until the day of her 18th birthday. It's too early. Why is it early?" It sounded like he was pacing back and forth trying to figure it out.

I took a seat down on one of the old wooden picnic tables and looked up at the clear sky. "I don't know why it's early. It could be her other powers trying to speed up the process." I suggest to him. The shuffling on the other side of the line stops.

"It could be. I'm going to check this out though. Keep a close eye on her." Nikalous mentions just before he cuts off the line. 'Oh trust me, I'll be keeping a close eye on her.'

Soon the bell rang once more for the announcement of the last block. I made my way to the other side of the school towards the gymnasium.

I threw on a pair of black basketball shorts and a tightly fitting grey shirt and made my way out if the men's locker room.

I spotted Casey by the east side wall close to the girls locker room. I crept up behind her before she started on her stretches.

"Miss me?" I whispered in her ear. She stiffens at my closeness and then scoffs. She turn to face me and I heat up as the space between us lessens. It took everything that I had not to just grab her and take her away from everyone.

I see the gleam in her eyes as she stares at me. "Dream on." With that she turns around and starts stretching. Honestly I'd love to have her stretching infront of me all day, but I needed to move away from her to keep in check with myself. If you catch my drift.

Coach has us lined up and outside on the track running within just a few short minutes. I trailed behind Casey from a distance the whole time. I kept my eyes on the sky and studied the way the clouds were shaping and shifting with every step that was taken.

All too soon school was over and I waited for Casey as she was still in the locker room. It took her awhile before she finally came out.

"What took you so long?" I asked in a low annoyed voice. "Oh, get lost Miles. Just leave me alone, will you?" She stated as she looked through her bag.

I growled at her statement. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around so she was looking at me. "I will not leave you alone. And don't you dare turn your back on me."

She struggled to free her wrist from my hand but my grip was holding strong. "So what, you're the freaking king, thinking you can tell me to do what you say? Um, no! I think not. Let me go! Now!" She yelled at me and my temper started to flare.

I dont like to be yelled at. I sighed and let go of her small wrist. She shook her head at me and hurriedly got inside her car. Then sped away loudly listening to her music.

'If only she knew about the real deal here. We will be rulers as soon as we mate.'


I climbed inside my car and made may way to Nikalous' pack house. I was greeted by the twins, Will, and Anna when I walked into the foyer. Anna had a smile on her face and Will was smirking up at me with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Oh what now?" I smile down at the four of them. The twins giggle and run off to the back of the house. I take that as my chance to walk to the kitchen to grab a snack. "We know all about your secret." Will stays sitting down at the bar while I raid the fridge for food. "Oh really? And what might my secret be kid?"

I glance over at him and continue to look for something I would find appetizing. "The chocolate bars are on the top shelf and the cherries are behind the grape fizzy pop." Anna chirps in. I turn to look at her surprised that she knows my favorite snack combination.

"We found wrappers and stems in one of your jeans pockets. And on top of that we found this." Will says placing the object on top of the bar. It was a photo of Casey.

I raise an eyebrow at them. So they went through my things while I was gone? I chuckle at them and join them at the bar, the snacks can wait for a few minutes. Two can play at this game.

"Oh, you caught me. That comes at a price you know. Snooping through an Alphas things and all...." I say and I watch the magic happen.

Their poor little faces turn pale and they glance at each other. "It's okay. I won't tell your secret either." I say to both of them getting up to get my snack.

"Wha- What secret? We don't have any secrets... What are you talking about?" Anna answers with Will backing her up. "Yeah, we don't have any secrets. And if we did, you have no proof that they are true."

"Hey, don't be ashamed. I wouldn't mind getting betrothed to my best friend." I smile at them and confusion was written all over their face. "What is betrothed?" Anna asks getting up from her stool and walk over towards me.

"It means one day you two are going to be married." I say looking at her small form. Her eyes grow wide and a blush creeps up her cheeks. "Me and him?!" "Her and Me?!" They yelled at the same time. "Yep." I state popping the 'P' as I say it.

I grab a couple of chocolate bars, and the picture, and walk out of the kitchen and up to my room. Let their akwardness unfold. I smile at the thought and plop down on the bed. I'm such a good match maker.

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