Chapter 17

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Colton's P.OV.

Nothing much happend around the pack house, so I decided to go to sleep while I had the opportunity.

To my dismay, I woke up late the next morning and regretted it. I needed to be in class with Casey. I hurriedly dressed and ran down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Oh, Colton. What are you still doing here honey? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I see Luna Veronica at the sink and the twins were running around the island playing tag.

"Uh, yeah. I accidentally slept in. Kinda had a rough day yesterday. But hopefully it'll be better today." I explain to her and grab an apple out of the fruit basket.

She turns to look at me and gives me a questioning glance. "Well, you better hurry if you still want to have a good day." I wave goodbye to her and take off to the underground garage.

When I arrive at the school, I'm just in time before the tardy bell rings. I walk into the office and greet the secretary. "Hello Mr. Miles. Cutting it kind of close aren't you?" I just shrug my shoulders and sign in. I politely excuse myself and make my way to fifth period.

Arriving at the correct classroom, for my fifth period class, I glanced around the room to look for Casey. "Come in Mr Miles. Take a seat wherever you would like. Welcome to Senior Advising. I am your teacher Mrs Pike."

Taking a second glance around the room, I found Jessica and her group of friends sitting in the back. She waved me over and I pulled up a chair next to her's.

The class passed quickly seeing as Mrs Pike only had us do research on real time events that are currently happening in the world.

When the bell rang for 6B, I quickly packed up my belongings and headed to my next class. Culinary.

I'm going to be honest here, I actually like cooking. So having this class wasn't a downer. On top of that Casey will be in the same room as me. My wolf was jumping for joy when I thought of that.

All of a sudden I feel a tug at my arm and see Jessica and her annoying crew surrounding us. "Well, well, well. Guess who finally woke up. It's great to see you again after you suddenly disappeared yesterday."

"I didn't disappear. I just went to bed early. That's why you didn't see me around the..... house...." It's a good thing I caught myself before I said pack house. The girls surrounding Jessica looked at the both of us. "You guys live together? Ah, your so lucky Jess." One of the girls on Jessica's left said.

"So, Colton, do you have a girlfriend yet? Are you still available for single, oh so date-able girls like us?" Another girl asked. We were getting close to my next class so decided to cut it short. "No, I don't have a girlfriend yet. But, I do like a girl. I can't tell you ladies. It's a secret. You'll just have to find out for yourselves." I mentioned to them and winked.

They erupted it a fit of giggles. "Well, thank you ladies for walking me to class. But, you girls should hurry back to your class before you're late." I say to them and they all wave goodbye and run off to go hopefully to class.

Before I even turn to face the doorway, I'm hit in the face with Casey's scent. It's only faint but I can still smell it. Oh it smelt Devine. French Vanilla and Strawberries. Her scent reminds me of fresh spring months.

Oh god she smells so good!! I nod in agreement with my wolf and walk into the classroom. It'll be hard trying to contain myself around her.

I walk up behind the seat she is occupying and tuck my arms into each other to keep from touching her. I can tell that she knows I'm behind her.

So, I say to her, "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." She stiffens and says to me, "What do you want Miles?" Im guessing she's still upset about yesterday. I chuckle at her and put my hands in my pockets.

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