Chapter 20 part 2

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Part 2
Casey's P.O.V.

Hey, you. Yeah you. Get up sleeping beauty.

There it is again. That voice in my head..... I don't think it will ever leave me alone now....

"Casey?!" I hear someone yell from far away. I can't see anything because my eyes aren't cooperating with me. It's like they're glued shut. Every muscle in my body is hurting as well. On top of that, I have a killer headache.

It seems like forever before my eyes finally open and take in my surroundings. A blue sky and white clouds above me, I must still be outside by the stream.

I confirm that thought by finding the stream a couple of feet away from me. When I go to sit up, I'm paled by what I find.

"Oh my gosh!!" I yell out, as I quickly stand on my feet.

"Casey?! Im coming don't move!" I hear a familiar voice yell out. "No! Dont come any closer!" I yell out to Colton. I look around trying to find a place to hide.

I hear leaves crunching infront of the tree I'm hiding behind, and I can see Colton as he's running my way.

"Colton stay over there! Dont come any closer!" I yell to him as I make out his features the closer he gets. "Why do I..?? Oh," He says stopping right infront of the tree hiding me.

"Here, put this on." He takes off his shirt and hands it to me without looking my way.

I sigh in relief and happily take his shirt. Thank god I'm shorter than him. His shirt covers up my naked body up to my mid thighs.

"Thank you." I say to him when I get the shirt on. I look around in embarrassment and try hiding the rising blush. I walk towards Colton so he can lead me back to the castle. "Colton, what in the world happend to me? To my clothes? Please tell me what is going on! Oh God! I....I, my god....."

I stopped walking and stood still letting the tears fall down my face. I cover my face with my hands, but before I could go anywhere, Colton scoops me up in his arms and cradles me to his very warm, chisled chest.

"I would never let anything happen to you. Never, Casey. I'm the one to protect you. I'll die protecting you from any harm. You shifted, that's what happend. If you would have stayed in your room, Prince Riley and I would have helped you through the change. You see, when you take on your transformation, your clothes are torn to shreds. That's why you woke up...... Indecent."

By now I had stopped sobbing and was looking at him like he was crazy.

"So, what your saying is that, if I would have stayed in my room, both you and Riley would have seen me naked?" I ask playing with my necklace under the big shirt.

"Yes. Wait, no! We would have stayed for your wolf transformation, and then left your room. Then, you would have gotten up within the comfort of your room with your clothes. Instead of mine," He says looking down at me. "Not that I mind. You look good in them." Then, he winks at me.

To save my dignity, I whack him up side his head. "Ow!!" He whines out. "Serves you right! Looking at me like I'm a piece of Bacon! Ridiculous! Put me down! I can walk from here." He says nothing and puts me down on the ground. But sadly, I'm not let off that easy.....

No!!! Get back in his fudging arms!!! Are you crazy?! Go! Now! Now, now, now! I'll never shut up until you're back in his arms!

"Oh well," I say to the wolf' in my head and ignore whatever she starts saying. "Oh well what?" Colton asks looking my way. "Ahhhhh, nothing.....?" I say darting my eyes around. "Is your wolf talking to you already?" He asks as I look up at the huge green spruce trees surrounding us. "Possibly....," I mention to him a couple seconds later.

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