Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Casey's P.O.V.

Not even two minutes after my Aunt left, the doorbell rang. I was currently in the living room about to start another movie, when it did. It rang a second time as I made my way to the door. When I opened the door, I saw 'Lijah with a small package in his hand.

His eyes met mine as we stood there for those few seconds. "Hey Caster. Took you long enough. I just wanted to give you this." He said as he handed me the small package. He was about to turn around when I stopped him. "Well, don't leave so soon. You just got here. Come inside and sit down for awhile. And what is this for anyways?" I asked as I started to back away from the door.

"No can do Caster. I have to leave asap tonight. There's a mandatory cast meeting in Dallas and I have to be there by three pm tomorrow. And, you should know what that package is for. Its not like you to forget something this important." He smiled, waved goodbye, and walked down the drive to his black 2010 mustang.

I was still standing at the door with it wide open after he left. What is something important that I would forget? I walked back to the living room with 'Lijah's package still in hand. I sat down on one of the soft couches and opened it up. It was a charm bracelet that had a small crystal heart, a wolf, and a deathly hallows charm.

I gaped at it and walked up to my room. I looked at the calendar that was placed on the back of my door. I gasped at tomorrows date. My eighteenth birthday is tomorrow. Of all things to forget, I forgot my birthday. How stupid of me. Even 'Lijah remembered my birthday. Although, he was never really the one to give presents. I sat down on my bed as I attempted to put on the bracelet.

After the third try of getting it on, it finally clicked and stayed on. I laid down on the bed with my arms spread out over my head, and my legs hanging off the bed. I remembered I was going to watch another movie and made my way down stairs. And since it was past 6:30, I decided to go ahead and make dinner.

I was wanting something kinda easy and quick. So, I decided on making fried rice. I put the rice in a pan and waited for it to cook. As I did that, I walked to the living room to put in Letters to Juliet. I sat down and watched the commercial openings for the movie. When those were over, I walked back into the kitchen to find the rice cooked.

I drained the rice and put it back in the pan, and got out the other ingredients that I need for my stir fry. I got out some eggs, mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, and the teriyaki sauce. As I waited for those to cook, I went back in the living room to play the opening credits.

When I got back in the kitchen, I stirred the contents and put the sauce and rice in. When that was finally finished, I grabbed a bowl and a spoon, and put a whole lot of rice in my bowl. I heard the movie starting and rushed to the couch. Spoonful after spoonful, my bowl was finally empty and the movie was over.

I looked over at the clock on the wall and it read 9:05. Ah, jeez. Time for bed. I grabbed my empty bowl, put the spoon and bowl in the dish washer, and filled the skillet and pan up with water in the sink. I walked up to my bedroom and laid down in the bed. As I got warm and comfortable, I quickly fell asleep dreaming of nothingness.


When my alarm startled me awake, I groaned and rolled over in my bed. With a tap on my door, Aunt Sandra walked in with a birthday cake in her hand, and a present in the other. "Aunt Sandra... what are you doing? Its six in the morning. Go back home. I don't need this. I'm eighteen now."

She giggled and sat the present down on my back. "Six, sticks. I can't let you wake up on you're big day alone. What kind of aunt would I be then? Not a very good one I'll tell you that. Now, blow out the candles so you can open the present." I rolled my eyes and sat up in the bed. 'I might as well, she won't leave me alone until I do.'

I took a deep breath and blew out the candles unenthusiastically. Aunt Sandra squealed and sat the cake down on my closest dresser. "Now, open the present. Go on." Grabbing the small rectangular box, I unwrapped the wrapping and opened the box. Inside was a gorgeous Diamond and Sapphire necklace. I gasped and looked to my Aunt. "I knew you would love it!" She exclaimed.

She pulled me into a hug. "Thank you Aunt Sandra. Its beautiful. But, you didn't have to get me this." She tensed up and pulled away from me. "Yes I did dear. You deserve this. Life is unexpected, and you need to know that." She took one last look at me before picking up the cake and walking out of my room.

Sitting there for a minute, I finally decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I grabbed a black tank top, black faded skinny jeans, and the necklace. Glancing at my clock, I had exactly forty minutes to get ready before school started. Throwing on what I picked out, I walked to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.

When that was completed, I went back into my room and grabbed my backpack that laid by the door. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and found pancakes and bacon on a plate. I inwardly groaned. Curse my Aunt for remembering my birthday. I sat down in front of the plate and saw a note sitting beside my mug of coffee.

'Dear Cass, sorry to do this again. But, there was another case called in a the last minute. Sorry to do this to you again. I'll be back as soon as I can and we can go to that place you like to eat at. Love you bunches darling. Happy Eighteenth birthday. Your mom would be proud.

-Love, Dad.'

I sighed and stuffed the note in my pocket. I shouldn't be surprised. This happens every year. I'm super used to it. I mean he is the one that makes the money. I pay the bills though. I stuffed the bacon in my mouth and dripped syrup all over my pancakes.

When I was done with my breakfast I placed the plate and fork in the sink and made my way to the door. I grabbed my keys off the key holder and stuffed them in my pocket. "Bye Aunt Sandra! I'm off to school!" As I opened the door I heard her yell back, "Bye darling! Have a great day at school!" Pssh, yeah right.

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