Chapter 18

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Colton's P.O.V

Well, that really didn't go as planned. Seriously? You didn't even plan anything. Shut up, your supposed to be on my side here.

Silence was all I heard after that.

If you couldn't tell, I was rolling my eyes at you. Oh shut up you dumb dog! Silence again.. Maybe he finally left..... Nope, still here! Hahaha! Ughhhh!

I was making my way back to the culinary class when I just decided to sign out for the rest of the day. I'm skipping school alot now.

This is horrible! I can't have my grades getting low.... Wait, what am I talking about? I'm leaving tomorrow anyways. I shrug my shoulders and head towards the Main office to sign out. When I arrived outside, I watched Caseys car drive away from the school.


Going to Caseys was the first thing I wanted to do. But, I made my way to the pack house. Luckily, no one was there. I made my way up to the guest room I was staying in and flopped down on the bed.

'Colton? You there?' I flipped onto my stomach and grabbed the closest pillow I found. Yes, I'm here D. What's up?

'It's Riley. He's flipping out man. I think he's found his mate.....'

'WHAT?! Okay....Okay. I'll be up there soon with Casey. Just keep him occupied until tomorrow.' I run my hand across my face and get out of the bed. Speaking of Casey, I need to get her a present.

'Yeah, I'll try. Hopefully he'll accept her.' And that's the last I heard of David. I walked out of the pack house and made my way towards the town. I looked around tons of big name stores and even small family stores.

I just couldn't seem to find anything that would suit her. How about something for her powers. Maybe someone will know what will be good for her. Just as he finished saying that, a small magic store came into view. I took a look outside it's shop windows. Seems good enough for me.

I twisted the golden knob and made my way into the small store. The doorbell rang as I stepped inside. There seemed to be no one around, so I took it upon myself to have a look around.

There were small candles everywhere, with the room lit to an eery red glow. A foggy cauldron in a fireplace just at the back of the room, and the shelves stocked with fake magical gadgets. Magic cards, button tazers, ribbons, books of chants and charms.

I was looking in one of the chants and charms books when a deep voice pulled me out of my search. "What a sight to see! Now what's a werewolf doing in a magic shop?" I turned to see a stout man around his fifties with small blue eyes and gray protruding hair bustling about behind one of the counters. "I, um, well you see....."

The older man just chuckles and walks around the counter towards me. "Don't fret, I know why your here. Come to the back and I'll show you what your looking for." I questionly look at the older man as he grabs my arm and totes me behind the counter to a door in the back of the room. "But, how did you kno-"

"Know you are what I said you are? A werewolf? And how did I know that you were looking for something for a special someone? Well it's written all over your face dear boy. I may be old but I've had my run ins with wolves."

I just kept quiet thinking about what he said. I observed the place around me as he led me deeper into the room. With a snap of his fingers a blue light floated around us and went down towards a staircase.

He's probably going to murder us.

"Don't look like that. I'm not going to kill you. Oh, where are my manners? My names Don. Yours is Colton and your here for Casey, am I correct?"

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