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An hour later, Alan brought the memory stick up to my room. I was lying on my bed playing the aviation game and walker excavations at the same time.
"Is that hard?" He asked when he saw what I was doing.
"Hva? [What?] Playing them at the same time? No, I've been doing it for years."
"Oh, OK. Anyway, here's the USB."
"Took you that long? What were you doing with it? Downloading to a second drone?"
"Avem is the only drone I downloaded to."
"Ha, I can see the second stick in your pocket, you made a copy of the code, didn't you? There was no need, I have about 170 of them..." I pulled a box of identical USBs from the bedside table and dropped the one he brought up in.
"Keep your copy. I don't need it. You might, if anyone else you know has a drone." He peered at the contents of the box in my hands.
"Why the odd two?"
"Oh, one of them has prototype codes which aren't finished, the other is all my personal junk."
"Ok. Well, goodnight, ser du i morgen. [See you in the morning]"
"Natt! [Night!]" He closed the door and I shut down my electronics, putting them on the desk before going to bed.

I woke in the middle of the night to a soft beeping in my ear. I opened my eyes and activated the holographic screen in the Prophecy Disk on my bedside table, because it was late (or early?) and I was too lazy to fiddle with the settings on my eyepiece, to make it activate before the alarm I had set. The screen showed an image of a boy, one of the ones from the skate park, climbing the perimeter fence, with the flashing words 'Intruder Alert' underneath it. I watched the figure for a couple of minutes, while he started laying his trap, then I got out of bed and woke AV-8 from the spot where he was charging in the corner. My eyepeice immediately switched on, recognising the time and switching into night vision automatically. I slipped into black tracksuit bottoms and my walker hoodie and mask, noticing how my eyes were glowing slightly green as I passed the mirrored wardrobe doors, and grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note on it.

You asked for it
P.S I told you I
was watching you.

"AV-8, On me." I muttered as I pulled my trainers on and we left. As I followed the boy down the road, I tested one of the newest functions I had programmed for the drones, the automatic walker identification. It drew a blank, meaning that he wasn't registered in the community, but at least gave me some info on him.

Name: Travis Rogers
DOB: 17/09/1999
Address: 42 freedom close, LA

I pulled up a map in my HUD and plotted our location and his address, and within a couple of minutes of tailing him, I could tell he wasn't going home yet, so either the gang had quite a few people they wanted to get back at, or he was meeting someone else while he was in town. The latter was proven correct when he turned down an alley that only contained two fire escapes and a large bin. He climbed one staircase, and, a few minutes later, I took the second, ending up on a roof, overlooking the other building. I put AV-8 into Camoflage mode and watched him dissapear before my eyes, before I sent him over to eavesdrop on the cluster of teens opposite me.

- I just set the trap for the mellowalker girl.
- Good. Aztec, take Kylo to get some food
- Yes, Alpha

Two of the boys dissapeared in through a door, and the guy called Alpha took out a walkie talkie.

- Storm, what's your status?
- Sector 5 all clear, Alpha. Permission to hand over patrol to Winter?
- Permission granted, Storm. Hello Winter.

"Av-8, get over here." My drone flew over silently at my command, and I gave him my instructions before slipping down the fire escape and out of the street, running back to Chris's house and the warmth of my bed.

Once in my room, I rummaged in the wardrobe for the large prophecy disk, and activated the hidden projector in it by rotating the logo in the centre by 180°. The visuals from AV-8 switched from my eyepiece to the projector, the audience still playing in my ear.

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