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Short filler chapter sorry.😞- #45674

#28300/ Susanne PoV

I opened the door to the room, and #19013, or Iselin, I think that's what Alan called her, walked in behind me. While I put my things away quickly (I only had 2 outfits and my laptop), I told her to not sit on my bed, because I was using it as temporary storage. When I turned around, she was sat on the top bunk, her legs swinging over the edge of the mattress and a smirk on her face.
"You said not to sit on the bottom bunk. I didn't."
"So you're just going to sit on some random guy's bed? You're weird."
She laughed and pointed to the ID on the frame.
"It's my bed! If it was someone else's I wouldn't have sat on it."
I examined the ID and, sure enough, it said #19013.
"Fine. But if some guy comes by, saying this is his dorm, I'm reporting you to Alan for hacking the system."
She smiled and jumped down from her bunk, doing a front flip and landing perfectly on her feet like a cat.
"It's not worth breaking the firewall just to change my bed. I might consider it if Alan was keeping a mission or something secret from us, but not to move room. Are we going to do this test then?"
I nodded, pushing her gently down onto my bed once I had laid everything out neatly.
"Soooo, I'm going to need a blood sample. Think you can do that?" I told her and she immediately put out her arm, evidently used to having blood drawn from her inner arm.
"You've had blood tests before then?" I chuckled. I was about to correct her on what I needed, when I noticed a small mark on her elbow.
"Wait- is that a scar? Why have you got a scar?"
She sighed.
"I don't really talk about it much, it's small enough that very few people notice it. When I was about 8, my parents started making me go for blood tests twice a year because they were worried I was ill. I spent so much time in my room with the lights off, they thought I was deprived of the vitamins I needed, and started taking me for semi-annual checkups. At first, I didn't mind, it only took five minutes, in and out. Eventually, I started getting annoyed, though, because I'd started producing remix tracks with my friends, and it was a waste of time because it was obvious that there was nothing wrong with me," She paused, taking a deep breath, and I waited patiently for her-
"When I was 12, maybe 13, we had just started working on 'shadows', they took me for one. The nurse, she was very nice, but she was obviously new to the job, and she messed up. The needle slipped and cut me there. That was the last time I had a blood test, I've had the scar ever since." She looked down awkwardly.
"Iselin, it's fine. I'm glad you told me now incase you backed out at the last minute. And I wasn't going to take the sample for there anyway, a price on the finger is all I need." I smiled reassuringly, and she eventually nodded, offering out her hand.
"You trust me? Or do you want to do it?" I asked, holding out a pin. She shook her head pushing it back.
"Just be quick."
I was surprised at how calm she looked, but could tell she was gently shaking under her pretences. Taking her hand in mine, I quickly jabbed her index pinger. She let out a gasp, and I saw her other hand flinch, but she kept the hand I was holding steady. I took a piece of sample paper and pressed Iselin's finger on it, the blood seeping into the material, while I picked up the antiseptic wipe and plaster I had fetched from the medical kit beforehand. She took them when I offered them over and set about applying the dressing while I gave Cervy the sample to analyse.

A minute later, Iselin was lying on her bed, video calling Ed via her drone. When I first found out she could do that, I was more impressed than shocked. I mean, I would have been shocked if I didn't know she was such a good programmer, but I had seen her coding several times by then, and wasn't as much impressed by the code itself as the time it took her to write it. A notification pinged up in my HUD, telling me the results of the test.
"Susanne, when do I get the results?" She asked as I read them through.
"Uh-tomorrow, at the earliest." I stammered, knowing I should show them to Alan first.
"Ok. I'm heading over to ExTes." She told me, using the common name for Experimental Testing and its adjoined production lab, as she swung herself over the edge of her bed and landed perfectly yet again. As soon as she had left, I grabbed my personal datapad and downloaded the results to it, pulling open the door and letting myself into Alan's room.
"Wait- what?!" I questioned, staring at the scene infront of me.

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