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After the sound check Alan came back to my dressing room with me. Someone had left a big black flag with a white Alan Walker logo on it on the sofa and Alan spent the next five-ten minutes teaching me how to hold it and wave it properly. Then a pretty girl maybe a couple of years older than me (her name was Kate) came in to do my hair and makeup, and the flag was taken back backstage by Alan's bodyguard.

20 minutes after my lesson in flag bearing, I sat with the flag on my lap waiting for the concert to start. The other flag bearer (I didn't know his name, and I couldn't be bothered to ask him what it was) sat beside me listening to diamond heart on his iPod. I heard the track that announces Alan in most of his shows, including this one it seemed, that was our cue to go onstage. I nudged white-flag-guy (as I'd taken to calling him, because of the white flag he had) and we ran up the steps to either side of the stage. Exactly 21 minutes, and seven songs later, another Walker, their jumper said 19616 ,came and took the flag of me so I could go backstage once more. After constantly moving my arms for all that time my arms were tired and I was glad for the rest. I ran over the songs I was going to sing in my head practising each of them silently. Then suddenly I was handed a microphone as Alan's remix of stranger things drew to a close. Kate rushed up to do a quick touch up on my makeup even though you couldn't see much of my face thanks to my mask. Then I could hear Alan saying what he's playing next and I was in front of an audience of thousands next to Iselin and au/ra, who were singing backing vocals while I was there. They give me a thumbs up and I look nervously out at the crowd of crazed Walker fans watching me, but I didn't have time to worry because the first bars of 'the spectre' were blasting out of the speakers and I had to sing.

After the show I meet Lewis, Edward and Alan in my dressing room. They all congratulated me on a good set. I smiled and thanked Walker for the chance. "Seriously. It's been a dream come true" I said as we watched the footage from the various Walker drones that were flying around during the show. "Anytime," said Alan "It was fun working with you. Hang on, where are you going?" I had started walking towards the door. "I'm not going anywhere; I'm letting in your poor camera man who has been pounding the door in for the past minute!". The look on Walker's face suggested that he had not heard Mohammed outside. "Oh, sorry Mo, I was chatting with the little superstars about their music." Mohammed, the cameraman, looked disgruntled at this as it was obvious that he wanted to shoot a video with Alan. This theory proved correct when he said "Do you want to record a new unmasked vlog. Or I can wait for a while if..." he indicated us leaving, even though it was my dressing room we were in. Alan voiced my thought and said we could stay if we wanted. "Sure, but I was about to show you our new song. Can you insert a different track when I play it? It's not quite ready for the Walkers to hear and I was going to ask for your advice on it, if that isn't too rude..." Alan nodded and wrote something on a post-it note and then stood up "There is just enough time to grab my keyboard for five minutes before 9735 puts it on the tour bus. The stage should be empty by now, let's go there." I assumed correctly that 9735 was one of his crew.

When we arrived back at the stage, we were pleased to see that the crowd had indeed dispersed. Alan disconnected his kit from the speakers and then said, "O.K., press play." I decided to mess with him and said "No, we didn't win the #PressPlay remix competition." Lewis cracked a smile and snatched my phone out of my hands to play our creation 'shadows'. I grabbed it back, put the volume on full and started singing along. When the recording finished, Alan asked me to play it again. This time, however, he played along, adding vocal chops and EDM parts that gave it a final touch that it needed.

Over the next three and a bit months, we continued to perfect shadows with frequent emails to and from Walker. Then, the day before the school talent show auditions, Alan sent me a text:

done :) in your email inbox now. A

I replied with:

THX will check it out! school Talent Show auditions 2morrow. if we get through,will u come watch??

actually, scrap that idea. Wanna perform??? im sure i could get the head onboard.... >:) potato you, #19013

Then I opened my email and sure enough there was the promised file. I downloaded it to my laptop and edited it into my FL studio file of 'shadows' which I resaved as 'shadows-rising Walkers and Walker #0 remix'. after that I sat down and sent an email to our head teacher asking whether Alan could play with us if we got into the show.

The next day after a quick breakfast, I packed my laptop in my backpack and ran to school wearing my Alan Walker hoodie and mask that I got at the concert. Those five minutes when we played our song for the panel of judges were probably the tensest five minutes of my life. As soon as we got out of the room, I sent Walker a text:

Have to wait a week 4 results but big boss says if we get through you can #PressPlay with us! 😊

Within a moment my phone pinged with Alan's replying message:

That's great! Am looking forward to it.I have that day off tour schedule, so will come and perform with you. Can I come yours for food before evening performance? A

hope you enjoy it. it gets pretty crazy from here on, so enjoy the simpleness while you can!!!

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