Chapter 35: Distant

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I dropped everything in my hands and began franticly searching the jacket. Nothing turned up in the pockets and o found my self walking back to the entrance of the arena looking for the pass. Nothing.

I tried to explain to the security guard what had happened but he wasn't buying it and unless I could produce a pass there was no entrance. I contemplated going to find Tyler but than he would realize how foolish I am to screw up on my first day. Besides I wouldn't be able to be let in.

Grabbing my stuff I began back tracking my steps franticly looking for the pass. The game would be starting soon and I couldn't watch it from the back halls of the arena. I can't tell you how many time I had ran my diggers through the top of my hair in nervousness as my eyes scanned the ground. I had traced my steps all the way to the entrance and nothing turned up. I tried walking around a little more in hopes of seeing it. As I reached one of the back halls I could here a man shouting.

"Hey! Hey you!" He shouted causing me to turn around.

"You have a pass? You can't be back here" He sounded angry, he was now sprinting in my direction. I wanted to run, I really did but there was no point.

"No I don't, I lost it" I said honestly

"Let's go, your out of here" He gripped my arm tightly as he lead me out to the bus parking lot. Once he got me outside he locked the door behind him leaving me out in the cold Canadian weather.

"Fuck me!" I shouted. I looked down at the watch on my left wrist, 7:20, the game was well underway. I wouldn't be aloud on the bus being they they were locked and the drivers missing. I decided waiting in the parking lot wasn't going to help with the situation so I found myself walking the side streets of Montreal in hopes of some kind of ride. Eventually, after an hour, I walked far enough to to where I was at the hotel. I pushed passed everyone in the lobby and crammed into the tiny elevator. Once I reached my floor I quickly swiped the room key and dropped all of my belongings onto the floor. Quickly I turned the tv on and began to flip through the basic channels but the game wasn't being programmed on any of these channels, just my luck.

This trip couldn't be any worse than it already was. Maybe I wasn't meant to be back on the road with the boys, maybe I was meant to stay home and doing nothing with my life.

I flopped onto the bed, my fingers deep in the roots of my hair as laid there staring at the ceiling. Eventually I dug my one hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone. My thumbs pondered over the screen before clicking the Game Center app. To my relief, the stars were clinging to a 1-0 lead with one minute left in the first period.

I was honestly so mad with myself, how could I have lost the press pass? How could I completely screw up on my first day on the job? I didn't even find the press pass, it wasn't even in the room.

I had stayed up late that night waiting for the boys to come back from the game, I'm sure Jamie would have a million questions as to why I wasn't on the bus and how on earth I made it back to the hotel.

It was around eleven when I could see the bus pulling up to the front of the hotel from my window. I decided to spare Jamie of the heart attach he was probably already having and greet him in the lobby.

One by one the guys filed into the lobby and straight to the elevators. Their beanies pulled down lower than normal to shield their ears. Finally the last two people to walk into the lobby was Jamie and Tyler.

"Jamie!" I called out to him. His head snapped my direction and I could see his face relax instantly.

"Oh my god Nicola" he said relieved as I walked towards him. Without saying a word I wrapped my self around him. I rested my head on his chest and inhaled his cologne. For those short few seconds I felt at ease, something I always felt around Jamie.

"How did you get here? You weren't on the bus" he questioned with a curious look on his face.

"It's a really long story" I said as I glanced at Tyler.

"Can you meet in my room in ten minutes?" I questioned quickly when I noticed Tyler heading our direction.

"Um yea...Nic are you okay?"

"Ten minutes" I repeated before speed walking to the elevator, franticly pushing my floor number

It was exactly ten minutes when a there was a subtle knock on the door.
"It's open" I called from the bed where I had found myself snacking on an expensive can of peanuts.

"What's wrong?" Was the first words of of Jamie's mouth as soon as he walked in.

"Jamie I'm an idiot that's what's wrong!" I screamed, letting out a lot of frustration that had been bottle up inside of me.

"Nicola calm down" Jamie's voice was soft as he approached the bed, sitting at the corner, his hand hand found mind. With a little tug I fell into his chest and felt a small tear escape from my left eye.

"Nic, now tell me what happened" he said calmly as he one hand rubbed my back.

"I'm not meant to be around the boys, I'm not meant to travel with you guys. I'm just not" I confessed

"Nicola are you crazy? The guys love you... We've just all been feeling a little distant from you lately"

"Yep well it's going to get worse" I mumbled in frustration.

"Nicola" he gasped "what happened?" He demanded to know

"I lost the press pass today, I didn't get to watch the game at all. I ruined my first day on the job"

"Oh Nicola" Jamie shook his head "I'm sure if you explain to Ty what happened he will understand"

"Did you just call him Ty?" I questioned with a smirk as I looked up at him, wiping the few tears the had trickled down my cheek.

"What no" he acted awkward "Just come down and talk to him" With that Jamie got off from the bed and quickly exited the room, running his hand through his hair nervously.

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