The announcement

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-Midoriya's pov-

Something is wrong with Kaachan. He normally swears a lot, is loud and never says that it was a hard day, or just not a good start.

He kind of behaves like Todoroki.san now that I think of it. No, that is weird. Why would he? But maybe they both got hit by a quirk, or something. But I know no one with a quirk like this. What if I just don't know this person?

But Kacchan told me to go to Aizawa-Sensei. I wonder why? What does he have to do with Kacchan's behaviour?

Here it is. Aizawa's room. That is not hard, just ask what wrong is with Kacchan.

I knocked, and expected no answer, but the door opened very fast.

"What is it, problem child?"

"Good morning sir. I am here, because I wanted to ask something."
"And that is? I don't have all day, as you can see maybe."
"I wanted to ask about Kacchan's behaviour and if something happened to him."
"What do you mean by behaviour?"
"He has kind of a personality switch."
"Not a personality switch, but you're close."

"Excuse me?"
"They have a body switch."

"They didn't tell you?"
"I don't know what you mean. Please explain to me."
"Bakugo and Todoroki were hit by a body switching quirk. So the one you call "Kacchan" is Todoroki actually."

"Oh my gosh! I have to apologize!" I was about to run to the kitchen where hopefully Todoroki-san still sits, but Aizawa-Sensei stopped me.

"DON'T apologize. Summarize the whole class and tell them what happened. I am too tired for that."
Aizawa-Sensei let go of me, and closed the door. I heard his footsteps fading.

"What is wrong Midobro?"
"Ah, Kirishima. Can you do me a favor?"
"Sure anything for my bro!"
"Very manly, thank you. Could you please gather everyone in the class. I need to tell everyone something. It is important."
"May I ask what?"
"No, please just do my favor."

"Haha, okay."

-Half an hour later-

Everyone is here, except Kacchan. It must be hard for him to be in Todoroki's body. I hope he is okay.. Hm, I think most of them are tired. The whole Bakusquad is tired, with dark circles under their eyes. But Kirishima was very motivated though. Whatever. I need to concentrate on the main thing.

"Midoriya, why are we here? It is appropriate that you might be awake at this time, but it is NOT appropriate that you wake us all up."

Sigh.. typical Iida..

"If you begin like this, will I just make it quick. It is about Kacchan and Todoroki-san."
"Bro, we know they are important to you. But me and the squad didn't sleep anything tonight."

"Denki, please listen to m-"
"But I-"
"If anyone interrupts me one more time will I personally Detroit Smash him or her into the sun. Did I make myself clear?"
Everyone nodded.

"Okay, thank you. Just to make this sure. I just found it out half an hour ago, so don't come at me. So ask Todoroki.san and Bakugo. Because the thing is both of them."
"Oi stupid Deku! Call me the nect fucking time when you tell someone something about me!!"

"K-Kacchan, Kirishima told me that you didn't answer when he knocked."
"Wait, Todobro is Bakubro?!!"

"Yeah. The thing is that Todoroki-kun and Kacchan were hit by a Body changing quirk. Since this morning. Do you all now understand why I called you here? It is not because they are important to me, it is because I needed to tell you this important thing now. Now that this is done-"
"Midoriya, I am sorry for interrupting you, but I am questioning now, what we should do now. Because we can't do anything about it."
"You could think of something. You are in the end our class representative."

"I will try to think of something, but I can't promise anything."

"That is not a problem. We can all do something, but sleeping might be a thing for some of you now. So you are free to go."

Everyone stood up and went to their dorms. Everyone except Todoroki-kun, Kacchan and me."
"Do you guys want to do something?"

"I am going to my dorm. I need some space."
"That's okay Todoroki-kun. Have a good time. And you Kacchan?"
"None of your business. I will just go."

Oh. I guess I will train a bit then. Well, but could I try to do something? Todoroki-kun and Kacchan were never really close or did any kind of teamwork. I should try to get them closer. I bet they would be awesome friends, and have a good friendship. 

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