Happy Birthday!!!!

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*First of all, Happy Birthday Bakugo (I'm sorry if it's not his birthday yet in your time zone, but I waited till midnight extra to do this :D it's 00:06, whoops) good night/day you all^^*

-Earlier, Shoto's pov-

Okay, you can do it. It's Bakugo's birthday in the end. And it doesn't seem that anyone has prepared anything. As a classmate of his, do I want to do something. But I need the help of the rest of the class. It will not be easy but not impossible.

The living room. I think everyone is here. That is good.

"Hello Yaoyorozu."
"Oh hello Todoroki-san. Can I help you?"

"Yeah, not only you. The whole class. Because do you know what day today is?"
"Uhh.. No?"
"Oh... Well it's Bakugo's birthday today. And I thought that we could do a little surprise for him. That would be the last thing we could do. Wouldn't it be?"
"You are right. I should have remembered that. But what do you think we should do?"
"Anyone who is good at baking should make a cake, I think. You could help us with getting some decorations, if that is okay."
"You want me to use me quirk, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."
"Haha, that's totally fine. Balloons and garlands?"

"Yeah I think that's fine. We should tell the other first, before they get confused."
"Yeah sure."

Yaoyorozu went to the middle of the living room. Where Uraraka, Asui, Tokoyami and Midoriya were sitting on the couch doing something on their phones. The whole Bakusquad except Bakugo were in the kitchen, while the rest of the class was doing some board games in three different groups.

"Can I please get the attention from everyone?"
Everyone looked up immediately when Yaoyorozu finished her sentence.

"Todoroki had a brilliant idea, and I hope you will participate. The thing is that Bakugo's birthday is today. And Todoroki wanted to do a little surprise for him. He had the idea of baking a cake and decorating. What do you think?"
Most agreed, especially the Bakusquad. They want to do the cake, because they know him best. Yaoyorozu, Asui, Uraraka, Midoriya, Iida, Hagakure, Aoyama and me are decorating the kitchen. We didn't want to do the living room because that would take too much time. So while we decorated the cake was being made. It looked awesome.

The cake was brown chocolate cake, decorated with orange stars, and little grenades. I wonder where those come from.

"Todoroki!! Look what we made!!"

"It looks awesome, but where did you get all the decorations?"
"I kept them, in case we needed them. And as always was I right. Mama Mina knows best."
"I.. see.... Well we are almost done too, but I have a feeling that somethings missing."
"Bakugo probably."

"What do you mean?"
"I don't know why. But I watched you a bit since the body switching incident, and you seem like you keep getting closer to him. Or maybe try to."
"Yeah because we need to find a way to get this problem solved."
"No, no, no. My mother instinct says that you think he's something special, maybe. Not sure, I haven't thought about it enough. But you two seem so close like nobody else."

"So? I don't understand?"

"I'm just gonna say this straight out. I think you like him."

"Ehh, I'm not gay."
"I never said that you are. Are youuuu?"
"Stop doing this. What are you trying to do? "
"I'm trying to get my ship sailed!!!!"
"First of all. I don't think that he likes guys. Second, I rarely know him. The third thing is that.. I don't think I am ever gonna get close to him."
"Aha, I see. A broken heart. Detective Mina is gonna do her best."
"Sometimes do I wonder why you're so weird."
"I'm an alien of course. It's no wonder why I'm so weird. But seriously know. Do you like him?"
"I... more like him as a friend."
"Yeah, I can see that. You should spend time together if you wanna get close to him."

"What do you think I am doing?"
"Pssh, guys. I think he's coming. Be ready to scare him."
He's here?! Oh my gosh, good that Sero had an eye on everything. Everyone was quiet. Waiting for the footsteps to come closer. And then, he looked into the kitchen.


Some jumped up, threw the balloons around. And presented the cake to Bakugo. He kind of jumped back. Of course who wouldn't?

"Eh, what the fuck?! You scared the shit out of me!!"
Kirishima went to Bakugo, he laid his arm around his shoulder and brought him closer to the cake.

"Look bro, Todo-bro had the brilliant idea to make this little surprise for you. We want to celebrate your birthday with you. As classmates and bro's."

"Thanks.. I guess."
"Bro, we even made a chocolate cake for you. And it's all yours."
"I'm not gonna eat all of it. That's way too much. Why didn't you make another cake so everyone could eat something? And Icy-hot, how did you get this idea?"

"I just thought about doing something, that could maybe cheer you up. And since it's your birthday. I had the idea of doing a little party. You got a year older, and you could spend some time now with your class."

"Oh, that's nice to hear. Okay, which fucker wants cake?"

Many screamed "Me" but I didn't. I was just happy that Bakugo was happy. He smiled often the next time. Some minutes later when everyone got a piece of cake did I lean against a wall. Taking a look at everyone. Everybody smiled and Bakugo was talking to Midoriya, Kirishima, and Denki. He finished all his cake and went to the kitchen to place his plate down. He almost caught me staring but I was fast enough to turn my head. Concentrating on other stuff.


Someone held me a piece of cake on a plate in front of my face. It was Bakugo.

"Uh, thanks. But don't you want some more?"
"Nah, I'm fine. Shitty hair forced me already to eat two slices."

"I see. How did it taste?"
"It tastes really good, but now eat your damn slice. I don't wanna feed you."
"Oh yeah, sorry."
"Don't worry about it. So I heard from Mina that you wanna get close to me. Is that right?"
"Yeah, but.."
"What? Are you scared or something?"
"No, it's just that, from our last conversation.."
"Sigh, geez, you never give up. Fine, I will tell you later. BUT if you DARE to tell anyone else I will KILL you with my own bare hands. Understood?"
"Yes. Thank you for your trust. by the way, the cake is awesome. I never had a better one."

"Tell that to the bakers."
"I bet when you bake one yours is even better."
"Probably yes."
"Is something wrong?"

"No. I just thought before I found you in the kitchen that I might be alone. Like if you left me alone."
"What? Why should we leave you?"

"Why not? I mean I'm just some loud asshole."

"You aren't.""Why do you think that?"

"You are way more important, than you think you are. You have friends, and classmates who you are important to. Don't think that."

"Tch, whatever. You wanna come to my or 'your' dorm?"

"Uhh why?"

"I wanted to tell you something didn't I?"

"Ah, right! Sorry, forgot."

"Stupid Icy-Hot."

"You can call me Todoroki."

"I will think about it. But now come. I am not gonna wait forever."

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