First chat

247 10 5

-Shoto's pov-

What time is it again? Hm, it's 9 pm. Midoriya should be awake at this time normally. His dorm isn't so far away. Just get to him, talk a bit maybe and get Bakugo's number. Nothing hard.

There is his dorm. Okay, you can do it. I knocked. The door opened and a tired looking Midoriya looked at me.

"Ah, Todoroki. What are you doing so late out here?"

"I wanted to ask something."
"Sure, sure. Come in."
I walked into his dorm, and just realized how much All Might here is. He has like every merch, figure and poster you could get.

"So. What do you need?"
"I need Bakugo's phone number."
"You don't have it? You didn't even exchange your number after THIS happened?"
"Yeah, okay. I get it."
"Sorry, I was just confused. Give me a minute. My phone is over there. I can give you his number now.

"Thank you Midoriya."
"Yeah sure. Okay his number is here. Just type it in."
"Okay. How should I save him?"
"I have an idea. Let me do it."
He took my phone immediately. Typed something and gave it back to me.

Eh- it says Boom Boom Boy.

"Are you sure that's okay?"
"That's totally fine. If he hates it, come back to me. So we can change it. Okay?"
"Ummm, okay? I will be going now."
"Alright. Have a good night."
"You too."

I walked outside, closed the door behind me. This nickname is actually pretty funny. I will text him when I'm in my dorm.

Nobody's outside anymore. Bakugo might as well already be asleep. I could try it though.

Now that I am back, it's time to try it.

Todoroki (chat)

Hello bakugo, it's me. Todoroki.

Boom Boom Boy

The fuck?! How did you get my number?


Midoriya gave it to me. More like I asked him.

Boom Boom Boy

Okay? And why the fuck did you want it? I mean, we can just fucking talk like normal people not over this stupid ass phone


I know, but I just thought that this might work. We could chat and have even some fun.

Boom Boom Boy

How is this supposed to be funny? I don't see anything funny about this.


So, you don't want to chat?

Boom Boom Boy

I never said I didn't want to. Gosh, Jesus, don't take everything so personal. You really need to learn that.


Sorry, I am not used to talking that much.

Boom Boom Boy

Yeah I know that. You told me that already. And now why do you wanna chat again? I don't see any reason why I should not be asleep already.


You can go to sleep whenever you want to. It doesn't bother me.

Boom Boom Boy

Ah, I see. But what did you save me? So I can match it.



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Boom Boom Boy

Boom Boom Boy?! The fuck it this fucking name? It was fucking Deku wasn't it?


Yeah, he said it was fine, and if you don't like it I should go change it with him.

Boom Boom Boy

Whatever. I will save you then, Icy-Hot bastard.


You do not have any better name?

Boom Boom Boy

What is YOUR fucking idea then? Huh?!


What about Halfie?

Boom Boom Boy

That's stupid. I will just save you now as Candy Cane

Candy Cane

That's a new one.

Boom Boom Boy

So what? It's now my new way to piss you off.

Candy Cane

It's not pissing me off, as you wished. Kind of think it's cool

Boom Boom Boy

Whatever, I'll go to sleep now. See ya never.

Candy Cane

Okay. Sleep well.

F! I think you're cute....


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