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-Bakugo's pov-

Todoroki is really something special. I guess he is really someone who I could trust. But not too fast. I mean, it's not wrong maybe but what if he leaves me too?

"Okay, Bakugo. You wanna lead me?"
"Can't you find your own old dorm or what?"
"I can bu-"
"Then lead me. I will close my eyes."
"Just do it. Lead me."
I closed my eyes, not knowing what was gonna happen. I suddenly felt that someone grabbed my hand. It was pretty warm at first, but I guess that's what my hands are. The person, probably Todoroki, did not pull me or something. He did it gently, and slowly. It went on for some minutes till I walked against a wall.

"What the fuck?!"
"Sorry! Are you okay?"
I rubbed my head. Ouch.

"Yeah I am okay. No need to worry."

"Okay, if you say so. Wanna enter?"
"Yep, let's just get inside already. Close the door please behind you."

He closed the door. And I just sat on the 'bed', whatever that is called.

"Here." I tapped besides me. "Sit down."
"Are you sure?"
"Do it, or I will think otherwise."

He moved fast over, and sat down. Our knees were touching. My heart began to beat a bit faster. I hate this feeling, but I guess it's just the way it is.

"Yesterday, when you wanted to talk about my past. Why? Only because Deku told you it, and you wanted to know if he's telling the truth. Or are you actually trying to get to know me? And DON'T answer me some bullshit."
"When Midoriya told me about your past, the first thought I had was that I want to help you. Midoriya told me some Phobias you had, and the time you had to go through. I never thought about using those 'informations' or something. I only want to help you."
"Ah, do you have experience with stuff like that?"
"My past wasn't the best either but I got experience."
"Oh yeah, I remember. Your mother who burned your face, and your fucking 'father' who made you this fucking cold."

"You don't have to call Endeavour this."
"What then? Endeawhore?"
"Why not. That sounds actually pretty cool."
"Is Endeawhore homophobic by the way? I'm just wondering."

"He is everything a father should not be. Just to summarize this."
"Hmm, okay. What about your mother? Where is she?"
"In a hospital. I haven't visited her since our incident."
"Well you should then. We could both go to her. If you want to. To tell her not to be afraid, or some bullshit."
"That would be nice. Thank you."
"Yeah, whatever. When do you visit her normally?"
"Wednesday. Like tomorrow."
"Ah, damn. Well that's okay, I guess."
"Since when are you such a tsundere?"
"HAH?! What the fuck do you mean by tsundere?!"

"You may look like an undestroyable stone but you have such a soft heart."
"Yeah, yeah whatever."

"What time is it anyway?"
"Good question. I have my phone over there on the desk. Wait let me get it."
I stood up, walked over to the desk, to grab my phone. The clock showed 6.39 pm. Shit, it's later..

"It's 6.39. "hat now? You wanna s-"
Todoroki yawned and stretched himself. It's not the way he looks like that right now, but his facial expression was too cute. I just stared, and watched him.

"Bakugo? Why are you staring?"
"Ehh, whatever. Just forget it. I wanna go to sleep now. It's late, for my time."

"Your face is red. You okay?"

Todoroki got up also. He came close to me, and touched my forehead.

"Your burning! Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Chill, it's nothing. Can I go to sleep please?"
"Oh, yeah sure. Sorry.."

Todoroki went to the door, grabbed the doorknob.

"Are we friends?"

"Uh, I guess, yeah?"
"Cool. See you tomorrow."
"Yeah, yeah."

He left me alone. Like, what the fuck?! He is trying to kill me emotionally?! Did I... blush just a second ago?! How am I gonna sleep now?!! Oh my gosh, dang it!

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