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*Just to unconfuse you, Deku will tell something that has not happened in the anime. Like I said in the first 'chapter' it is my own UA, so some things are different from the anime as you could not already tell :) but now have fun reading*

-Deku's pov, after UA, in the dorms-

"Thank you for cooperating, Todoroki-kun."
"I just agreed. Cooperating was never an option,"
"Haha, yeah true. So you remember why we are here in my dorm?"
"Yeah, you wanted to tell me some things about Bakugo."
"That is right. Do you want to know some special things?"
"His attitude. Why is he like this, and why is he sometimes like a totally different person?"
"....I actually hoped you wouldn't see that.. But I guess I will tell you his story."
"What do you mean, by not seeing it?"
"There is a darker explanation and childhood behind it."

"I'm listening."

"Let me start with his childhood. You see, he wasn't always this rough and mean to everybody. Some.. more like many years of pain brought him into this. I was his only friend till three other dudes began to bully me and Kacchan. First they were only giving us some names, then they threw stuff at us. A few months later it even got worse. They pulled him by his hair, threw him away from me. While one of them held me xo I couldn't do anything. I didn't know what to do. I was too weak to protect him, so I just watched him get hurt. At one point did his mother come. She saw the body bully him and me. She screamed at them, and threatened them to kill them. That is when Kacchan slowly began to change. We were only 5 years old back then. The body maybe never showed up again, but other kids watched us, and started to call us "weak", "useless", "good for nothing" or "weaklings". It didn't do much for me, but it changed Kacchan totally. He told me that he didn't want this to happen anymore. I knew he was gonna do somethign stupid, but what he did was not what I expected. He began to bully me. That happened through the whole middle school, I told my mom. She talked about that with Mitsuki. Kacchan's mother. That is how I found out that Kacchan was taking anger management training, but it didn't help. As you can see. He had to go to the doctor more than two times the week. It never got better. And even worse, over the years did many phobias come out. He is not good with handling them, but hides his pain behind his angry face. He is a good person, but his past traumatized him too much."
"What kind of phobias does he have?"
"Agoraphobia, the fear of crowded places. Because so many people looked at him, laughed and did nothing. Also Haphephobia, the fear of being touched. His bullys touched him everywhere, so I guess that is how it developed. Atelophobia, the fear of being imperfect. Remember that he always says that he is better than us? That is so he doesn't have to think about it. He wants to be perfect but his inner self says he isn't. That is bugging him really much. And Atychiphobia, the fear of failure. He never wants to give up, never wants to fail, always wants to win. That is to hopefully overcome his phobia. I have heard all this over the years. I have been researching those phobias and been learning about them."

"Gosh, that is horrible. He has been hiding all this? How is he now with it?"
"I don't know. He doesn't want to talk about it. He always says that I should not care about it. It's his stuff, he has to go through it alone. But I think that you could help."

"I don't know if I can.""Just try it. Worse than a punch in the face won't it be.""Maybe tomorrow, it's a bit late now. He must be sleeping already.""Was the story really this long?""It was. But it helped me. Thank you.""Not a problem. Helping a friend is a thing I love to do.""I see that. I will be going now. Take care of yourself.""I will. You too. Tell me please how the meeting Kacchan went.""We will see."Todoroki-kun went out of my room. I hope nothing bad happens to him when he actually wants to talk with Kacchan about it. I just told him his whole life literally. Kacchan...

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