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*Uuum 1k reads? O^O I am right now.. literally surprised that that many like to read what I write OvO thank you so much, so yeah this is a 'special' chapter because of so many reads :D*

-Shoto's pov-

Friends.. That sounds so beautiful. How long will that hold on? I bet not for so long.. Sigh, holding friendships is really hard, as I learned..

"Bakugo, why don't you both go to your dorm again? It's almost dark outside."
"Yeah, I guess we should go back. Aizawa will kill us when we're late still outside."
"Oh dear."
"Nothing worse. We can handle that. RIght, Todoroki?"
"What? Oh uhh, yeah."
"I think he needs some sleep. Todoroki?"
"No, no I'm fine Mom. Just need some fresh air. I'll be back later."
"You didn't listen did you?"
"What do you mean?"
"We will leave now. It's pretty late."
"Oh, well then."
"Shoto, please wait a minute. I need to tell you something. But I'm sorry Bakugo, but can you please wait outside?"
"Yeah sure, no problem."

Bakugo went outside and closed the door. My Mom and me were alone now.
"Is something wrong? I know my son, even when he's in a different body."
"It's just the thing with.. Bakugo."
"Do you like him?"
"I don't know. I don't know any stuff to get closer to him."
"Do something with him and some other friends. Get to know him by asking him questions. It's totally okay to be scared. Everyone needs to find his true love."
"Thank you."
She came closer to me and hugged me. This warmth really was missing. I missed it..

"Now get outside before he gets worried."
"I will. Thank you Mum."
"Of course."
She is the best.

"Are ya done already?"
"Yeah. Thank you for waiting."
"Tch, why shouldn't I dumbass? Friends always wait for each other."

Bakugo gave me a big smile. Wow.

"Uhh, yeah. Always."
"You're not really conversant with having friends, aren't ya?"
"A bit new, yeah."
"What about the nerd Deku? Aren't you friends with him?"
"I am honestly not sure. You are the only one who I am really close with. I guess close. I don't know, what would you say?"
"I would have guessed that you two might also be dating. The way he treats you."
"No, we are maybe just close. But I wouldn't date him. He's a bit too clingy, no offense, but being clingy is not my type."
"Are you telling me that you're gay acctually? Or any other sexuality."
"I am more of pansexuel. I like the personality, not the person, the gender. I don't care about that. Their personality is important for me. And you?"
"I am into boys, but not having sex. That is weird for me. Period." (*yeah no lemon stuff, he's asexuel :D*)

"Huh, I see. Any relationship so far?"
"Why are you asking me this in a freaking hospital?"

"I'm just interested."
"Outside the hospital, okay?"
"Okay. Sorry."
"Don't fucking apologize. Now stay quiet. We are close to the entrance."
"Ah, hello. Back again?"
"Have a great evening with your boyfriend."
"Eh, thank you."
She waved at us. Did she just call me Bakugo's boyfriend?! Does she need some hearing aid devices? Why?! Out of all people is SHE, a YOUNG lady misunderstanding everything and calling me his boyfriend, instead of just a friend. But, wait. Is Bakugo blushing? He is maybe looking away but his ears are telling me that they are red. Whatever.

"Soooo, what are you gonna do now when we're back in the dorms?""I don't know. Probably just go to sleep.""Huh, I see. About the conversation a few minutes ago.""Just forget it. And no, I was never in a relationship. Everyone said that I am too loud, or too clingy.""Clingy? You're everything, but NOT clingy.""Let me tell you this. I had once a crush on a boy. We used to hang out a bit, it was in middle school back then. And since he was my crush I was always everywhere where he was. I wanted him to be mine. Sounds crazy, but I loved him. I wanted to be with him. Have a lovely relationship, and marry him years later. But when I confessed my feelings, did he say no. Just no. And walked away. The next day did he completely ignore me. We never talked to me, and eventually started giving me names, like faggot, or gay boy. I hated him for that. But I couldn't change it. Happy now? That's why I never wanted to be close to anyone. I will eventually fall in love with him, and everything could start again. I just.. don't want that to happen again...""I'm sorry for that..""Don't be, you weren't there. But DON'T tell that to anyone, it's already worse enough that this stupid Deku told you my shitty backstory.""I won't, I promise.""You know. I trust you. It has only been a week or something, but I really trust you. And building trust is something you shouldn't throw away.""I know. And won't use your trust.""Thanks.. I guess.""You're not used to saying thank you right?""Yeah. Not stop this bullshit, we are back again.""Good night, Bakugo.""Night."We separated from each other. I miss his appearance already. He has a really calming aura. Wait, am I falling in love?! I-I mean.. I could be, but does he even really see me as a friend? I don't know him enough for that.. Do I even have his number? I could ask Midoriya for it. Yeah, I think that could work out.

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