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-Katsuki's pov-

Fucking Icy-Hot is late. I told him 3.10 pm, and what does the fucking time say? 3.30! Is he fucking with me or something?! I hate it when people do this bullshit with me. Gosh... F-fuck.. I thought I could trust someone really.

"Bakugo, I am sorry I came late! Mina held me back."
"Well not my problem. Let's just go. Where is it?"
"I will lead you."
"That reminds me of yesterday when you led me into a wall."
"Yeah.. i don't wanna talk about it. So are you excited?"
"About what?"
"Uhh, meeting my mother?"
"Oh, yeah I guess so. I don't know how I should feel actually."
"That's fine. What about your mother? How is she?"
"She is just an old hag. Nothing special."
"But she is your mother."
"So what?"
"Is it because of the bullying?"
"Kind of.. She shouted at me more or less, because I missed doctor appointments, or beaten up another random person, because I can't control my anger sometimes."
"Hey, it's okay. We can talk later if you want to."
"Sure.. why not. I think talking would be a good idea. Thanks."
"Of course."

"You know.. When I am with you, you are calming me really down since this 'incident' happened."

"Could be. By the way, have you ever been in love?"
"Pff, haha. Very funny. Love is for the weak. And I am obviously not weak. So don't come around with this stupid love."
"Ah, I see."
"And you? You have very many fangirls, but never showed interest."
"I am gay."
"Eh.. You- I mean- You Todoroki are gay?"
"Yeah, got a problem?"
"No, just that you just outed yourself."
"Nothing serious. Okay we're almost there. You see. There is the entrance."
Todoroki showed me a big, tall building, white, not colourful at all. Seemed lonely..

"This is it? We have only been going for like 5 minutes or something."
"Stop complaining. In the end we did not have to walk like half an hour."
"Okay, okay. I get it. Geez. So where do we have to go?"
"First entrance, and I, or you have to ask for permission to visit her. Just tell the person that I am a friend. And please try to act like me."
"What? Emotionless?"
"No laughing, no giggling, no smile."
"So literally emotionless?"
"Fine, if you want it that way."

"I'll try my best though. Can't promise any shit."
"And yeah, no swearing."
"Ah goddamn it."
"Let's just go."

We both began to walk to the entrance. A woman was sitting on a chair, looking at her computer. God, now I have to talk..

"Excuse me?"

She looked up, and looked into my eyes.

"Yes, what can I do for you?"
"I wanted to visit Miss Todoroki. Is it okay?"
"Um, let me check, real quick."

She took some papers from her right, and there was a chart with names on it.

"She is currently free to be visited. But may I ask who the boy behind you is?"
"He is my friend, and he wanted to visit her too. If that's okay."
"That's fine. Please write your names right here. The same as your friend."
I nodded, and wrote Todoroki's name on the paper. He did the same but with my name.

"Oh, Miss Todoroki's son?"
"Yes, that's me."
"Glad to see you. Your mother was worried about you."
"Oh? Well thank you. We will be going now."
"Have a nice visit."
"Thank you."
When we were some meters away, did I dare to talk again.

"Okay, now WHERE do we have to go? I was never in this hospital."
"Second floor, fourth door. But there is also a name tag."
"Good to know."
Stairs.. so many fucking stairs, we are maybe only going to the second floor but the staircase is huge. I hate it, I hate it so fucking much.

"Here it is."
"Good. You knock, and explain everything. Understood?"
"Yes, yes. I will."
Todoroki knocked on the door, waited till he got a reply. The voice sounds young, but hurt. How did she even get here again? I forgot that. Did he even tell me?

"Oh, who are you?"
"Ah, Shoto, who is the person in front of you?"
"Eh, I am sorry Miss but my name is Bakugo Katsuki. Todoroki and I were hit by a body changing quirk."
"I am sorry then, Bakugo. So you are my son then, and you are Bakugo."
She first pointed at Todoroki, and then at me. I nodded. She is very nice.

"Bakugo, where are you from or are you also a UA student?"
"I am a classmate, miss."
"I see. Wanna sit down? You look like you had a rough day behind you."
Todoroki sat next to his mother, because there was only a chair, and he offered me it.

They both started talking, talking about a lot of stuff. I didn't listen the whole time, only when someone giggled or laughed. Seeing Todoroki so happy seems so new to me. It is, and.. kinda sets me on fire. It's so hot, he is hot, I mean not in my fucking body or something. But his personality, his actions, his kindness.. I would like to get closer but.. what if he leaves me too in the end? I am just s-

"Sorry to interrupt your mind, but I have some questions, if you are fine with answering."
"That's no problem."
"Thank you. So my son told me that you have gotten close since this incident. What do you think? Was it coincidence or destiny?"
"I think it's a mix of both. But I am not sure though. Who knows what it leads to."
"Interesting. And also what do you think of my son?"
"He's cool I guess, also a really calming, chilled and quiet person. That's what I think is the best part of him. He's not screaming, or shouting all the time. He also knows when to stop, sometimes. Not everybody is able to do that. To make this short, your son is a more interesting person than I thought."
"Thank you for your honesty. But you told me that you are his classmate. And I must say that you both are more like friends, in my mind."
"Are we Bakugo?"
"I think so? I don't know. What do you want us to be?"
"Friends, would be fine if you ask me."
"Okay then, it's settled, I guess."

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