Chapter 12; Are you ready?

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Be Dave strider after John and Jake jumped out of the window------>

    I smiled and then sighed. I picked up Jade and started back down to her cell. I was stopped by Sollux and a girl with long messy Black hair. Her hair was also kinda symmetrical. Her eyes were a reddish brownish color, with red eye shadow. She was wearing a black T-shirt with a Rusty red Aries zodiac on it, jeans and red sneakers. Also a red hoodie with the same kinda symbol that my time hoodie has at home.

  "Hey Dave. Where ii2 John?" He asked. I sighed and smirked deviously at him.

    "Oh, Hmmm. I would imagine that he is...Almost to the house by now. See, Jake and him kinda jumped out of the window after Mr.Ampora ordered them both to fight each other, and then they did, making John pass out because of the Flushed Kismesis relationship between them is something John can't handle. I then manipulated Jake to give him some blood and that ended the Kismesis part of it. So yeah, He's gone." I rambled, stopping when I saw the angry look on his face.

     "GodDAMMIIT! Ii told ED not two make them fiight iif he wa2 goiing two make anyone fiight." He said, pinching the wall. His eyes...Sparked? Whatever. The girl put her arm around him and started rubbing his back to calm him down.

    "Calm d0wn S0llux. They will be fine, relax. S0me0ne c0uld mistake y0ur anger f0r caligin0us Feelings." She said. I knew what she meant by that. She meant the 'Hate-love' or Kismesis relationship feelings. He calmed down some and turned to face me.

      "Thank you for the iinformation. We wiill go deal wiith the teacher. Come along Aradiia." He said, walking away with the girl who I assume is Aradia following behind him. They held hands as they walked. I smiled and put the sleeping Jade in her cell. I closed the door and sighed, turning and heading back up.

     Aradia greeted me and handed me a pass. I thanked her and left, but then I saw movement behind her. I looked behind her and saw these fairy like wings. They glowed red. I smiled and pat her on the shoulder.

      "Have fun with your boyfriend and make sure he doesn't kill my teacher." I said, and she blushed, then nodded. I left the classroom after ascending and walked to my next class. She took my pass and frowned at me. I didn't get why until she reached forward and grabbed my shades so quick, I couldn't duck or get in between her hand and my shades.

     She took them off and I closed my eyes, Putting my hand over them for extra precaution.

    "Now go sit down. You will get them back after school." She said. I shook my head no.

    "Miss, I need my shades. My eyes are really sensitive to light, and if I don't wear them my eyes burn and I can't see." I said, using the excuse I always did. She apologized and gave them back. I put them on and sat down.

     I went through the rest of the school day and then left towards home. Dirk met me halfway there and greeted me with a kiss. I kissed back and then broke away for air. He held my hand as we Walked home, talking about swords.

    When we got in, I put my stuff down and got some Apple juice. I drank most of it and then set it down. I turned to face Dirk and he looked like he was having difficulty with something.

     "I'm sorry..." He whispered out. I was confused about why he was apologizing and then he leapt at me, trapping me between him and the wall, forcing my lips to his in a passionate, wanting, needing kiss. It clicked then.

     He was apologizing because he thought that maybe I wasn't okay with this. I kissed back the same way and he gasped, surprised that I wasn't angry at him. He soon got over the shock and kissed back like he was before. I wrapped my arms around him and ran them through his hair. We seperated for air and I could sense his eyes were glowing A little more.

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