How I met Karkat.

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Quick note here, I need to give a shout out to ProcessingThoughts for giving me this suggestion. Thanks for helping with my writers And now, the story.

Sollux's p.o.v (a first, I know)

After I had finished lecturing ED, Me and Aradia Went home. She fell asleep quickly Since me and ED's talk had became violent and she had to step in, tiring her out.

I on the other hand, couldn't sleep. I had been tossing and turning for twenty minutes before i decided to get up and just sit in the parlor. I got a cup of coffee and added only a small bit of honey.

I sat in my armchair and stared into my coffee cup, taking small sips every now and then. I sighed as i started thinking about the events of today again.

After i had that 'talk' with ED, Karkat had come up to me and started yelling at me, asking me why I even bothered firing all our workers when the demon I did it for got away. I had told him that i wasn't going to just let what had been going on happen, and he stalked off, angry.

I sighed again as I realized Karkat wouldn't talk to me for a few days. I still remember the day we met and became friends, later in life becoming the demon fighters we are today. Coincidentally, that was also the day we met Aradia.


I was walking down the street to get home. My bag was on my back. I had stopped at the library on my way home, like I do everyday, and had ended up spending a little bit more time than I would have liked as a six year old. It was already dark, and demons would be lurking about.

As i was one block away from the safety of my home, A small hand, almost as big as mine, shot out of the Dark alley I was passing and dragged me in, covering my mouth with another small hand. I was Frozen, freaking out on the inside.

"L-Listen. I d0n't wanna hurt y0u. I just need bl00d. I pr0mise I w0n't kill y0u, but please be quiet and n0t run. It w0n't hurt at all." They said, the quiet feminine voice a little calming. They sounded young, like my age. I nodded quickly and they removed thier hands.

I turned to look at them and gasped, astonished by thier appearance. They were a girl, and she couldn't have been older than me, at the most.

Her small, bony frame shook in the cold. Well, it is Fall, and she didn't have a jacket. She nervously brushed a piece of her long messy Black hair out of her face, it falling back into place like symmetry. She shivered again and wrapped her tiny arms around her, trying to generate some heat through the Black T-shirt she wore, that had a lot of holes in it near the bottom.

"P-Please stay still while I d0 this. I-It will 0nly t-take a moment, and N-n0 pain." She said quietly, and I couldn't help but nod. She looked like she was starving, and maybe it would warm her up. She gave me a kind smile and then shivered again. She started walking closer and that was when I realized she had no shoes. She's gonna freeze her toes off if she keeps walking around like this!

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