Chapter 7; It was just a dream?

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   BE JOHN EGBERT - - - - - - - - >

     I jolted up as i heard a groan. I looked around as i saw i was in the same position as i was before Jake woke up before...I gasped as tears started flowing down my face again.

     I dreamed all of it. I dreamed that he forgave me and still loved me and didn't hate me and that Jade broke out. I started crying again, only quieter.

     "Bloody hell, what happened when I was out?" Jake said. I peeked out a bit from my corner of darkness.

     "J-jake?" I asked. He gasped and turned around. He saw me and his expression turned petrified. He ran and tried the door.

    "it's L-locked." I Whispered. He turned around and sat back on the Bed. He glared at me and then his eyes widened as he realized something. He started inspecting himself for Bite Marks.

     "Ok, I can see that you didn't feed from Me. Did you do anything else to me?" He asked. My eyes widened and I blushed, Shaking my head no rapidly.

   "N-NO! I D-didnt!" I said. He nodded and glared at me, crossing his arms.

   "Let's bloody keep it that way, ok?" He said. I nodded and he turned around. I took a deep breath and moved so i was out of the darkness more.

    "J-jake?" I said. He looked at me.

    "I W-want To explain M-mine and        D-dirk's Situation." I said. He snorted and turned his whole body to face me.

    "Normally I would refuse, but since there isn't anything else to bloody do here, I'll listen." He said. My eyes lit up a little and my heart patched itself up a little.

    "Ok. So, Me and Dirk weren't              Ch-Changed, We were born into it. We had N-no control over it, and we H-hate It. Ever since we found out when we were 5, We Fought our urges. And then when Jade was born, Hunters came to our small town and Burned it down. Me, My family, including Jade, and Dirk got out, But the rest weren't as lucky. I wanted to go help them, but My mom wouldn't let me." I said, taking another breath. His face was a little softer, but he was still wary of me. He nodded for me to continue.

      "So we ran here, Finding Rose and Kanaya along the way. Me, my family and Dirk got this apartment. We stayed here for a long time without incident. And then Rose almost got captured. We were around 12, 1 year after Her and Kanaya started dating. They didn't discover that Kanaya was Rose's 'plaything' Until last year. Then everything started unraveling. Mine and Dirk's family were all trickster Demons, except for Jade. Every time someone from my family went out, they Never came back. We found them with multiple gunshot wounds a couple hours after they were supposed to return. Soon it was only Me and Dirk and Jade.

     "Then when Me and Jade went out, Hunters found us and we ran. But Jade wasn't quick enough. She got caught in a net, and the hunters surrounded her. I was going to try and help her, but she told me to run. So, I did. And That was all in eighth grade. She was only 7...And i couldn't p-protect Her!" I said,  yelling at the end.

     He jumped at my sudden outburst. Tears started coming down my face as I started remembering. Jake didn't know what to do. He coughed to get my attention. I looked up at him, My tears blurring my vision.

     "I'm sorry about that, But if you could continue...?" He asked, A little uncomfortable. I shook my head and Nodded. Taking a deep breath, I continued.

      "So for the rest of eighth grade me and Dirk Didn't know what happened. We turned 15, And She had turned 8. Then we started high school. And when we went to class, we automatically sat in the back, Because we usually did that so no one talked to us. Then The teacher pressed the button and Jade was thrown out. My eyes widened and teared up when I saw her.

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