Chapter 8; The rescue.

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     BE KANAYA MARYUM - - - - - - - >

     When Dirk said that, I stood up and flashes over to Jake, holding him against the wall in a choke hold again. I snarled, my fangs coming out.

     "I know that hunters can find other hunters, And I know that Rose will be with the hunters. YOU got us into this mess, Now YOU have to get us out. FIND. THEM." I said. He gasped and nodded quickly. I heard struggle behind me and let go of Jake, turning around to see Dirk holding John back. Except, it wasn't John.

    His blue eyes shone with protectiveness and anger, His teeth sharp and pointed in the form of a snarl. Dirk had his arms pinned behind his back, and every time John moved forward, Dirk dragged him backwards.

      He was growling and snarling, his glare I was confused. John blinked and he returned to normal. He met my eyes and looked down, blushing in embarrassment as i tried to figure it out.

     "Lady, Did you ever wonder why me and Jake are here at this time of night, and aren't freaking out at the fact that they're tricksters?" The blonde one with shades on asked. It took me a second until I got what he was saying. My eyes widened and I looked at John.

  "Ooooooooh..." I said, causing John to blush more. I went over and hugged him. He sniffled and started crying. I looked at him to see a broken hearted boy, looking at Jake with pure love in his eyes.

     I Looked at Jake to see Him also staring at John, With hatred and love in his eyes. I felt multiple emotions. I felt anger towards Jake for not feeling just love for John, and I felt sorrow for John because he would never get to be with Jake like he wanted.

       "I'm so sorry John..." I whispered. He turned and cried into my chest. I put my arms around him and patted his back, rubbing comfortable circles on his back as well. He stopped crying and nodded.

     I let go of him and he turned around, putting the angriest glare he could muster on his face, aimed at Jake.

   "You heard Kanaya. Help us. Now." He said. Jake looked like he was about to protest, but I snarled and he gulped, nodding his head as he took out...His phone.

     He dialed a number and we heard a click, signaling that someone picked up.

    "Hey Sollux! I was wondering how your buisness is going?...Yes, we still haven't caught any...What really?! You did?!...Yeah sure, we can help out now...Great. see ya in a few Chum...I'm bringing 3 more people, is that ok?...Right. Well be there." He said, hanging up. We all looked at him expectantly.

     "Well? What are you staring at me for? Go get ready!" He said. Me, John and Dirk got our shoes on and waited for the other two.

      We walked there in silence, coming to a industrial park. We walked in a building and the first thing I heard was Rose's scream. Tears came to my eyes and I ran towards it at the fastest human speed possible.

     "ROSE!?" I yelled. I heard the others call after me but I didn't care. I ran down a couple flights of stairs, the screams getting louder the lower I went. The others followed behind me. I stopped at the 6th floor down and took a right.

      I ran into room 413 (Aqua's note: Ok, this was intentionally placed.            #TW; Sorrynotsorry.) And nearly broke down at the sight. Rose was in chains chained up to the wall. Someone whipped her and she cried out again. I saw alot of whip marks on her bare back and arms and legs. She was only in a bra and underwear, her tail hanging limply beside her.

      They took her down off of the wall and forced her to the ground. She looked up and her eyes let mine.

    "Kanaya!" She yelled. She started squirming Her expression was fearful. I broke out of my stupor as The others came in.

     "Rose!" I sobbed out. The gaurds finally noticed me as i started trying to push through them to get to Rose.

     "Kanaya stop! Rose is gone." Dirk said. He pulled me back and I got his mind message telling me to act like I didn't know she was a demon. I nodded slightly and then started struggling.

     "NO she's not! She's right there! They're hurting her!" I cried out. I got out of his grip and pushed through the gaurds. I got to Rose and hugged her close. She curled up into me and shook in fear. She was never afraid.

     "They R-raped me..." Rose whimpered in my ear. My eyes widened and I got angry. Then Dirk pulled me away. I fought him.

      "Stop it! Let her go!" I Yelled at the gaurds as they started hitting it. Rose curled up on the ground and cried. My heart was breaking. Dirk held me as we sat on the floor.

     "It's ok...It's Not Rose..." Dirk muttered.

     "What do you mean?! She's Right there!" I yelled. He shook his head.

     "No she's not. Not in spirit. That thing Isn't Rose, it's just a demon who took her body as thier own." He said. I just shoved him away and hugged John. To be honest...Dirk scares me a little.

      I cried into John's chest and then, one by one, The Guards left, until it was just us in the room. Dirk locked it and I Ran over to Rose. I held her in my arms and we cried.

      "I am so sorry Kanaya, They took the ring and they destroyed it. I'm sorry..." She said. I laughed and looked in her eyes.

     "I Don't care about the stupid Ring. I can replace it easily. There is only one you...And if I lose you, I'll be right after." I said. We laughed and then i took the chains off of her. We stood up and I gave her her clothes back. She got dressed and we walked out. The others Were around us so no one could see her.

     "Oh hey you guy2. Leaviing already?" I heard a listing voice say. Jake sighed and glared at him.

    "Sollux, What the hell?! You didn't bloody tell me the Demon was Rose Lalonde!" Jake yelled. Sollux frowned at him.

    "Ok, 2o? What ii2 the biig Deal? Did 2he Mean 2omethiing two you?" He asked. Jake shook his head and sighed again.

    "Not to me, But Rose and Kanaya, one of the 3 we brought with us, were engaged..." Jake said, trailing off. Sollux's eyes widened and then he turned sorrowful. His eyes landed on me.

     "I am 2oooooo 2orry for your lo22." He said. I just nodded. He told us to leave and we did. We went our seperate ways.   Dirk and the others went to his apartment and me and Rose went home. We got inside and I noticed something.

    "Rose! Your Neck thing, It's gone!" I said. She gasped and felt her neck, smiling when she found nothing. I dressed her wounds and we went to bed. I fell asleep holding the reason for my existence...

     The one whom we rescued for all eternity... 

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