Chapter 11; My first(and only) class.

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Be John Egbert The next morning  - - - >

    Me and Jade woke up to a knock on the door. She curled into a ball, scared of the person on the other side of the door. I sighed and Picked her up, shielding her with my arms.  

       I walked over to the door and opened it, the guard on the other side taking my arm and guiding me to the door. I took my arm away from her.

     "I know where we're going." I mumbled out. She looked at me apologetically.

     "Sorry, I didn't mean any harm. I was told to guide you two to the class When the guy buzzes. Anyways, My name is Aradia. Aradia Megido. What's yours?" She asked. I looked at her again, This time taking in her features.

      She had Long, messy Black hair, that was also kinda symmetrical. Her eyes were a reddish brownish color, with red eye shadow. She was wearing red lipstick and was kinda pale. She was around as tall as me, and was wearing a red hoodie with a black shirt that had a rust red Aries zodiac on it, as well as a gray skirt and black sneakers.

     "I'm John. John Egbert. And this is my little sister, Jade Egbert. How old are you, might I ask?" I said, because she didn't look much older than me. I smiled back at her.

      "Oh! Well, I'm a year older than you. And I got the job because my boyfriend is Sollux, and he fired all of his workers except for Karkat, and he needed help. So, I volunteered to help him out." She explained. I smiled even wider. I could tell she was really nice.

     "Well, Here we are!" She said. I looked up and saw the door, and my stomach sank. Jade buried herself into my arms even more. I took a deep breath and nodded. Aradia opened the door and gave us a sympathetic look. We started climbing the stairs, and when I turned around as Aradia was walking away, I swear I saw a glimmer of wings.

        We climbed up the rest of them, and when we got to the top, Some people gasped when they saw me. Most just whispered 'I knew it' and then they were silent. My eyes searched the classroom, and I found Jake at the very back, looking troubled. The teacher cleared his throat, and everyone looked to him.

      "Noww Class, wwe havve an actual lesson planned for today. Jake! You are goin' to fight John. Start Noww." He said. My eyes widened and I heard a gasp as someone stood up behind me.

     "What?! No, No. With all respect sir, I can't bloody fight with John! I'm sorry, but I can't!" Jake said, walking over so he was next to me. I could tell he was trying not to say something mean or hurtful to me, and to keep a not angry expression on his face.

      "Wwell too bad. I'm in charge of class, and your goin' to fight John. That's that. Start Noww." He said. My eyes widened and filled with tears. Jake sighed sadly, Then looked at me, Shooting me a forced look of apology.

      I looked around for Dirk or Dave, and saw Dave sitting in a corner. I picked up Jade and took her over there. I gave her to Dave.

     "Make sure she doesn't get harmed, and that she stays out of this fight." I told him, and he nodded. I took a deep breath and walked over to Jake, matching his fighting stance. Then I just stood straight and waited for it to start and end.

      Jake stepped forward and punched me with all He had across the face, and then in my stomach. I gasped and fell to the ground, curling into a ball to help get some air in my lungs. Jake then kicked me. Something in me took action and I stood up, then tackled him to the ground.

      "John. Bloody snap out of it. You don't want to do this." Jake said, desperately trying to hold back as to not egg me on. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make myself get off of him. I growled at him and then he snapped too.

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