Chapter 4; Wait, He loves me?

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    BE DIRK STRIDER - - - - - - - - - >

   I woke up in the middle of the Night because I needed blood. But I gave the last vial of blood to Jade today.

      I wrote a note for John and placed it where I was laying on the couch. I got my Vials and left. I roamed the streets until I bumped into two people I did NOT want to meet.

    "WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOUR GOING, FUCKASS!" Karkat Vantas said. You heard a sigh.

    "II'm 2orry for his attitude. Let'2 Go KK." Sollux Captor said. I just nodded my head and walked away.

     Suddenly, I caught scent of the most Delicious Smell I've ever smelled. I kept my head and followed it. Trailing the scent, I found it belonged to none other than Dave Strider.

       Him and Jake were standing in an alley way with a beeping device that, When Dave turned it a little, I could plainly tell was a Demon Tracker. Fuck, I'm dead.

     I started backing up when it started going hay wire. Dave quickly turned and pounced on me, Making us crash to the ground, My shades Falling off and breaking. Ok, if I did have any chance of making it out of this alive and Free, It was gone now.

     "Dirk?" Dave questioned. I decided to play the innocent card, even though in the position we were in my mind was manufacturing thoughts that were anything but Innocent.

     "Yeah it's me, Now would you mind getting off of me? I didn't think walking at night to get home was something that was frowned upon." I said. He blushed and stood up.

     I kept my eyes shut as i stood up. I was a little curious to why he was blushing though.

     "So Dirk, About that kiss Goodbye..." Dave trailed off. My cheeks turned scarlet as i remembered. I guess I knew why he was blushing now.

     "Oh that. Um, I can expla-" I got cut off by him putting his lips to mine. I stiffened but then kissed back.

     I heard Jake clear his throat and could feel that Dave was uncomfortable,  But I had No control over my actions at this point. He started it, And The tricksters genes in me had taken over.

      I put my arms around him and flipped us so he was Between me and the wall. I Kept him there as i kissed him passionately. Soon we ran out of breath and I seperated my head from his.

       With  the fresh air came a clear head, and I blushed as i quickly let go of Dave. I sunk to the ground, My head in my hands as Jake chuckled.

      Then They remembered the reason why Dave tackled me. Dave picked up the device and held it to me. As soon as it got close it started going wild.

      "I can explain. I was just visiting Jade." I said. They nodded and put the device away as i stood up

    "Well, I should get going now. John will be worried. Bye. See you at school tomarrow" I said. I was about to walk away when Dave gripped my arm. I froze.

      "Dirk, Why are your eyes clenched shut?" He asked. I gulped and quickly thought of an excuse.

      "Because, My shades broke. But they were prescription shades. I can't see without them and it hurts to try." I said.

     I started walking away, But found that The trickster in me would not let me leave without Dave.

     "Um, Dave?" I questioned. He turned his head.

     "Could you help me home? its just a few blocks." I asked. He nodded, said something to Jake, and Took my arm to guide me.

       We walked and talked about small things, Like his interests as well as mine. We soon made it to my house. I stood in the open doorway and he stood in front of me.

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