Chapter 10; Shit, Why did this happen?

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Be Dirk Strider when they got home from the rescue.---->

    We got home after we rescued Kanaya and me and Dave went into my room to talk. He sat down on my bed and I locked the door. I sat next to him and cleared my throat.

     "Ok Dave. Before you say anything...I should tell you that I read your mind earlier when you woke up." I said nervously, Rubbing the back of my neck. His eyes widened and a blush dusted his cheeks. Then he went back to his original expression.

     "Ok. I meant it." He said. I smiled and then frowned. I sighed and scooted a little closer. Then, I couldn't take it anymore and I lept forward and Tackled him in a hug, also kissing him. Though surprised, He kissed back. I started trying to take things farther by licking his bottom lip. And he then let my tounge slip into his mouth.

     I explored my new territory, after a brief fight for dominance that I won, and then let him claim and explore his new territory. I noticed yelling coming from John, But only slightly. When we broke away for air, I noticed that the house only felt like there were 2 people in it.

    "Dave, I think Jake and John left. And did you notice the yelling as well?" I asked him. He nodded.

    "Yeah, It feels like only us are in here. We should go after them, They might get into trouble." He said. I nodded and we left, Walking towards the alley that they no doubt ran into.

     I turned the corner and was about to say something when I saw the situation and immediately dove into the crevice in the wall. Dave rounded the corner and saw, Then ducked back around the corner.

    I saw John get in the car. Then the car drove away. John looked out of the window and made the Matesprits sign to Jake and mouthed 'I love you' and Jake just. Glared back. As the car drove away, Jake smirked and put his guns away.

      I dove out of the crevice and Tackled him to the ground, snarling and growling at him with my fangs out and my eyes glowing through my shades. I pinned his arms down and sat on top of him so he couldn't get up. He looked at me fearfully and started struggling against my hold.

     "You MONSTER! John cared about you, Hell he probably STILL cares about you, Even though you have done NOTHING but try and HURT him since he told you the truth! And how do you react? You Struggle, You aim a gun at him in the insta death position, You only glare at him, and when you DO talk, It's NOTHING but mean words that hurt him more than YOU could EVER comprehend! Then, You RUN away from him, And call the hunters to take him to the place that beats and rapes people like us before taking us to a class, To be hurt MORE!

    "And, To top it off, He just told you he loves you as he was being taken to the hellhole that he will be staying in until he dies, And you. Only. GLARED! So saying WE are the monsters in this situation? Saying JOHN was the bad guy? YOUR. AN. IDIOT! And the monster. I should kill you RIGHT. NOW! But I won't, because it will devastate John. But I CAN do other things." I said, growling and giving him a predatory smirk.

     His eyes widened in fear and he struggled more, looking for a way out of this. He spotted Dave standing against the alley wall, leaning against it and looking all chill. Like a strider.

    "Dave! Help me!" He yelled out, looking at Dave with desperation. Dave looked thoughtful and then smirked at him, Shaking his head no.

      "Yeeeeeaaaaah, No thanks. I'd rather NOT get involved with a pissed off demon version of myself. And, just saying, even if that wasn't a factor, I still wouldn't help you. No offense Bro, But your in the wrong here." Dave said. Jake looked at him astonished, then at me with a blank expression.

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